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Thou Shalt Tax Every Sin

The media love to tell people what not to do: smoke, eat, emit carbon dioxide, etc. So, journalistic support for taxing those sins is rarely a surprise. As Congress prepares for a vote, the media are promoting an expansion of taxpayer-funded health insurance to be paid for with huge tax increases on cigarettes and cigars. Thats the real sin.

Super Rich: The New Code for Media Disapproval
Journalists think the very wealthy are anything but super. The media use the term as one weapon in class warfare.

G: CNBC survey: Experts see strong stock market rally continuing
B: Cereal character assassination isnt enough for ABC, CBS
U: Newsweek jealously slams private-equity 'superrich.'
Cereal Murders Not Enough for ABC, CBS

Dows Flirt with 14,000 Barely Noticed by Media

Newsweek Slams Private-Equity Billionaires the New Masters of the Universe

Good Morning America Attacks the Man with Everything


Cheese Headcases: Wisconsin reveals the cost of universal health care
The Wall Street Journals Opinion Journal

The Gospel of Freedom

Supreme Court Limits Unions Spending of Dues on Politics
Budget & Tax News

Dependent on Foreign Oil
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

Congress Presses Private Equity Tax Hikes: Why You Should Care
Center for Individual Freedom

Manipulating America: The Great Depression as the Rationale for the Welfare State
July 27, 2007, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Foundation for Economic Education

Milton Friedman and His Legacy of Freedom
July 31, 2007
Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Dont
Aug. 1, 2007
The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Deflating Housing Bubble II
Oct. 11, 2007, Washington, D.C.
American Enterprise Institute

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