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Media Exaggerate Student Loan 'Crisis'

Say the word kickback and the media dont need to hear any more. Despite lack of criminal charges, journalists have been treating lenders and financial aid offices like a dark underworld of student debt. And personal responsibility is scarce in the tales of students who had little choice but to borrow more.

Media Deliver WSJ Paper Chase Exactly as Expected
Reporters and editors continue to oppose Journal bid from 'predatory capitalist' Murdoch. BMIs Dan Gainor explains why.

G: AP shows gas prices havent killed the economy
B: CNN says Americans work more than medieval peasants
U: NY Times calls wealth redistribution a centrist policy

CNN: Americans work more than medieval peasants

American Morning Offers More Free Advertising for Moores Sicko

Post Misses the Point Again about Alternative Minimum Tax


A Health Plan for the G8: Focus on How Funds Are Spent (The American)

Clear and Practical Mortgage Disclosure (American Enterprise Institute)

Is It a Good Thing to Spend Money on Health Care? (Free Exchange, Economists blog)

Weigh In Carefully on Childhood Obesity (American Council on Science and Health)

National Taxpayers Conference 2007 Foundation and Iowans for Tax Relief
June 14-16, 2007
Washington, D.C.

Health Care on Film: Clips from Sicko and Its Competitors
June 21, 2007
National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

Medical Malpractice Insurance Studies
June 29, 2007
American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C.

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