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A Thieving Dictator Only U.S. Media Could Love
A socialist Latin American leader seizes foreign businesses property and squelches freedom of the press by taking over his countrys media. No, its not the latest James Bond flick its current events in Venezuela. The month of May has brought more hostile takeovers from Hugo Chavez, but the networks continue to show him as a friendly coffee drinker.

Q&A with Rep. Connie Mack on Hugo Chavez
BMI sits down with a congressman who has been outspoken on this week's topic.

G: CS Monitor shows employment prospects for 2007 grads
B: World News anchor jets cross-country to report on carbon footprints
U: CBS warns: hide the kids, business is coming!

Couric: Corporate America Is Out to Get Your Kids

Live Green, Die Green

ABC Excludes Capitalist Reason Behind No Impact Experiment

To Talk about Carbon Footprint, ABC Crew Flies Cross-Country


Not Ready for Sub-prime (Reason)

Science Teacher Shows Class Two Different Global Warming Films, Says Science Is Not about Consensus (Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Rev. Robert Sirico: Free Economies and the Common Good (Acton Institute)

Big Business Signs on to Health Care for All (Reason)

Rethinking Business Management: An Examination of the Foundations of Business Education
May 17-19, 2007
Witherspoon Institute conference at Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

The Role of the Corporation in America
May 21, 2007
Hudson Institute, Washington D.C.

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