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Julia A. Seymour | July 16, 2008

     Another billion-dollar taxpayer bailout is on the horizon with the trouble at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but you won’t find much criticism of the mortgage giants on the networks despite repeated warnings about the lenders’ high-risk…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | July 16, 2008

     Politicians and pundits are crying about the economy, from oil prices to housing and the U.S. dollar. But they rarely pause to consider how we arrived at our situation, as they call for more government help and often for the Federal Reserve…

BMI Staff | July 16, 2008
19 Times Bigger than Enron, and the Networks Didn't See It Coming Cooking the books but protected by powerful politicians, the Fannie Mae and…
Jeff Poor | July 16, 2008

     High gas prices may be eating away at Americans’ bank accounts, but at least they’re supposedly helping the environment. Leave it to NBC “Nightly News” to find a green lining in the dark cloud.

     As American automakers struggle…

Jeff Poor | July 15, 2008

     Should beleaguered government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac live to see another bailout – regardless of the cost?



     Treasury Secretary Henry…

Jeff Poor | July 15, 2008

     The consequences for federal restrictions on oil and gas exploration go beyond just higher gas prices, interfering with the basic free-market principle of allowing enterprise to meet demand by providing a supply, according to former Shell…

Kelly Brown | July 15, 2008

     “Stocks plummet.” “Massive bank failures.” “Banks in deep trouble.” If you had been watching ABC’s “Good Morning America” or CBS’s “Early Show” July 15, this is what you would have heard.



Amy Menefee, Rachel Waters | July 15, 2008

     CNN scared viewers July 13 by suggesting Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s support for extending the Bush tax cuts would threaten their Social Security and Medicare.

     “Your $$$$$” host Ali Velshi and CNN…

Jeff Poor | July 15, 2008

     With oil trading above $145 a barrel, exploration and drilling for oil could provide economic opportunities for Rep. Barney Frank’s (D-Mass.) struggling congressional district.



Jeff Poor | July 15, 2008

     It wasn’t unexpected to see some pushback after a deal was struck merging American brewer Anheuser-Busch with European brewer InBev.


     However, the July 14 “NBC Nightly News”…

Jeff Poor | July 14, 2008

     U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd  (D-Conn.) has remained largely unhurt by the controversy over his “sweetheart” deal with mortgage lender Countrywide. But CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla finally bucked the media trend of ignoring the…

Kelly Brown | July 14, 2008

     The failure of IndyMac Bank signals a coming depression, according to doom-and-gloom reports from ABC’s “Good Morning America.”


     Correspondent Bianna Golodryga glumly predicted…

Julia A. Seymour | July 14, 2008

     According to one energy security expert, unless prosperity exists people simply will not care about climate change. Gal Luft, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, said on July 11 that the poor have other…

Jeff Poor | July 11, 2008

     The bad economy strikes again. This time – it’s marital relationships, or people’s ability to end them.

     NBC’s July 11 “Today” found an unlikely victim of the economic slowdown – divorce rates. According to the segment, the…

Kelly Brown | July 11, 2008

     Online shoppers aren’t smart enough to avoid giving away their credit card information to pop-up ads, at least according to ABC’s “Good Morning America.”


     “Some pop-ups on your…

Jeff Poor | July 11, 2008

     Is government the answer to curbing the economic downturn? CNBC’s Jim Cramer advised government intervention in a big way on the July 11 “Today” show on NBC.

     “It is – we need giant infusions of capital,” Cramer said of…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 11, 2008

     Two network news reporters on July 11 acknowledged that controversial comments from a top economic advisor to Republican presidential candidate John McCain have been taken out of context. That didn’t stop them both from using the comments…

Paul Detrick | July 10, 2008

     On “MSNBC Live” July 9 host Tamron Hall gave a report on the quality of commercial airline travel, calling price increases “nickel-and-dime fees.” But Hall forgot to mention the effect high jet fuel prices have had on the…

Kelly Brown | July 10, 2008

     Some journalists aren’t even faking objectivity when it comes to covering global warming, and ABC and the Planet Green cable network are giving them a platform to promote alarmism.

     ABC’s “Good Morning America” on July 10…

Rachel Waters | July 10, 2008

     “The scariest money mistake women make (it’s not shoes!),” or so warned the cover of Glamour’s July issue. The cover story “Welcome to my Mortgage Hell” left homeownership looking anything but glamorous and banks…