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Jeff Poor | July 25, 2008

     After Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, global warming alarmists claimed greenhouse gas emissions had led to a season that had 22 named tropical storms. Recent reports raise strong doubts about those claims.

     “Former Hurricane…

Jeff Poor | July 25, 2008

     If only Congress would get its act together, all our current energy woes would be solved.


     That seemed to be CNN’s take on the energy bill in a July 25 segment. CNN…

Paul Detrick | July 25, 2008

     “[Europe] wants to see an [American] president committed to free trade,” cautioned CNN Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour from Berlin, Germany, the site of a speech by presumptive Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama.…

Paul Detrick | July 25, 2008

     Harry Smith, co-host of CBS’s “The Early Show,” warned viewers on July 25 that radioactivity what might be “lurking inside” their granite countertops despite the risk being close to “one in a million.”


Jeff Poor | July 24, 2008

     Sirius Satellite Radio host Howard Stern supports the merger of his network with XM Satelitte Radio and is fuming at Democratic opposition on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) panel.

     After FCC commissioners announced…

Jeff Poor | July 24, 2008

     Perhaps bank runs are caused by stars aligning, or maybe they appear out of thin air. They certainly aren’t caused by powerful politicians publicly questioning a bank’s security, according to CNBC’s Erin Burnett.

Jeff Poor | July 24, 2008

     Some call the housing bailout bill the biggest intervention in the U.S. economy since the New Deal, but “CBS Evening News” doesn’t seem to mind.


     The July 23 “Evening News” gave…

Jeff Poor | July 23, 2008

     CNN’s Lou Dobbs railed against free market proponents on July 22 and even called for them to be punished in an unusual manner.


     On “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Dobbs’ attack on…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 23, 2008

     The failure and federal takeover of the California-based IndyMac Bank July 11 signaled a coming financial apocalypse, according to network news reports that predicted “hundreds if not thousands” more bank failures but…

Kelly Brown | July 23, 2008

     The economy is now so bad people are spending more of their limited amounts of money on therapy, according to the July 23 USA Today.

     “Requests for therapists increased 15% to 20% in the past three months,” Marilyn Elias…

Kelly Brown | July 22, 2008

     The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now says jalapeno peppers, not tomatoes, are behind the recent outbreak of salmonella poisoning. But on CNN, Lou Dobbs is still blaming President Bush.     “This…

Jeff Poor | July 22, 2008

     The price of food will continue to rise with the price of corn, according to ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson.” But as far as the July 21 broadcast was concerned, everything except government-mandated ethanol was to…

Jeff Poor | July 22, 2008

     In their quest to find new ways to describe the economic slowdown, the media have found various creative indicators of a struggling nation.

      Add the “Latte Effect” to a list of economic illustrations that already includes…

Jeff Poor | July 21, 2008

     Even if you offer Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., what she’s been pushing for – taxpayer investments in “green” or renewable energy – she’s not going to budge in her opposition to opening federal lands to oil and natural gas exploration. Talk…

Kelly Brown | July 18, 2008

     So apparently tomatoes are not the cause of the recent salmonella outbreak, according to the Food and Drug Administration. But the announcement did not come until after a widespread – and largely media-driven – “red scare” that cost the…

Kelly Brown | July 17, 2008

     The broadcast networks have created what amounts to their very own tax on gasoline. The “tax,” on average about 32 cents, gets applied when news shows use images to go with stories about the “whopping” price of gasoline. That amount is…

Kelly Brown | July 17, 2008

     ABC’s “Good Morning America” actually reported upbeat signs in the economy.

     Following a graphic that read, “Good news on Wall Street? Will better earnings lift economy?” reporter Bianna Golodryga started the morning off July…

Kelly Brown | July 17, 2008

     Only on the network news could one culprit – the economy – be blamed for both a rise and a fall in divorce rates. But in one week, NBC and ABC managed to do just that.

     NBC “Today” co-host Natalie Morales reported July 11 that…

Kelly Brown | July 17, 2008

     ABC was full of contradictions on July 16. “Good Morning America” told viewers not to panic over the IndyMac bank failure, but listed a handful of banks its experts suspect are troubled.



Colleen Raezler | July 17, 2008

Mainstream media outlets declined to cover a press conference held yesterday by conservative groups protesting a McDonald's spokesman who accused them of “hatred.”

A coalition of pro-family groups, spearheaded by the American Family…