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Jeff Poor | July 10, 2008

      It’s not all economic doom and gloom on network news. In fact, NBC gave its July 9 viewers some good news about the Texas economy and suggested the U.S. as a whole might reap the benefits.


Kelly Brown | July 10, 2008

     Gas station owners, defended as victims of Big Oil by some in the media, are guilty of “luring” customers to their pumps and then pulling a “bait-and-switch” with a credit fee, according to ABC’s “Good Morning America.”…

Jeff Poor | July 9, 2008

     Drastic times may call for drastic actions according to Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).


     DeMint told participants in a “national Tele Town Hall meeting” on July 9 there was a movement…

Jeff Poor | July 9, 2008

     As oil trades in excess of $135 a barrel the theme of the left has been to invest in “green alternative energy solutions.” But Sen. James Webb, D-Va., touted as a rising star in the liberal movement, isn’t playing along.


Julia A. Seymour | July 9, 2008

     In case you haven’t heard the buzz, Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) is struggling. The global coffee company recently announced that it will be closing 600 “underperforming” U.S. stores and cutting about 12,000 jobs.

     While most…

BMI Staff | July 9, 2008
Starbucks Coverage with a Shot of Schadenfreude Some people are glad to see the coffee chain suffering and closing stores. But for years, the…
Jeff Poor | July 8, 2008

     Nearly four months after the collapse of Bear Stearns, media voices are still debating what led to the failure of the 85-year old investment bank that had survived years of previous turmoil, including the Great Depression…

Jeff Poor | July 8, 2008

     “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” is the way JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon described the impact of rumors on the downfall of investment bank Bear Stearns.

     Dimon appeared in a taped interview from Aspen, Colo. on the July…

Jeff Poor | July 8, 2008

     It was only a matter of time before the media began using the wildfires ravaging California as a means to advance global warming alarmism.

     ABC’s July 7 “World News with Charles Gibson” candidly suggested global warming is…

Jeff Poor | July 7, 2008

     Soaring food and energy prices are dealing a tough blow to the world economy, but that shouldn’t stop the United States from spending loads of money to appease climate change alarmists, according to NBC.


     On my desk is a book of the hundred greatest political speeches in American history. I am always struck by how harsh they were. The speeches were rough-and-tumble and politically incorrect by today’s standards.

     In those days…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 3, 2008

     If the free market responds to an economic problem, and no one in the media reports it, does it still happen? When it comes to high gas prices, Americans won’t have to find out.

     The July 2 ABC “World News with Charles Gibson”…

Jeff Poor | July 3, 2008

     Food inflation is hurting everybody – even those who don’t have to pay for it, according to the July 2 “CBS Evening News.”

    “With food prices climbing, more and more Americans these days are struggling to feed their families,”…

Jeff Poor | July 2, 2008

     It’s time to short-sell Clear Channel Communications stock if you follow the analysis by CNBC contributor and Vanity Fair contributing editor Michael Wolff. He criticized a record deal that locks Rush Limbaugh in with the…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 2, 2008

     As Democrats solidified their control of Congress in early 2007, the newly empowered leadership pledged to “truly declare our energy independence” by July 4, 2007.



BMI Staff | July 2, 2008
'Energy Independence Day': Take Two Its been a year since Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared July 4 Energy Independence Day. In…
Jeff Poor | July 2, 2008

     The consequences of a military attack on Iran to thwart its nuclear intentions could have a devastating economic impact.


     NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard…

Jeff Poor | July 2, 2008

     Now that environmentalists and the media have succeeded to getting polar bears – the global warming mascot of the northern hemisphere – listed as a “threatened species,” now they’re turning their eyes to another creature: the penguin.…

Jeff Poor | July 1, 2008

     As the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed only a few points higher than it opened on June 30, ABC marked the end of a volatile month for stocks with a pessimistic segment on the market and personal retirement…

Jeff Poor | July 1, 2008

     The same day Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum followed the lead of attorneys general in California and Illinois by suing Countrywide (NYSE: CFC), and just one day before Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) planned to…