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Jeff Poor | June 19, 2008

     Almost every day a news report comes out linking something to climate change – obesity, food riots or a century of wildfires. Some of the claims seem especially outlandish. Sometimes they are.

     On June 18, posted a…

Jeff Poor | June 19, 2008

     It’s not likely dieticians will be endorsing his regimen, but a Virginia man demonstrated it is possible to regularly dine at a fast-food restaurant without being criticized for signing your own death…

Kelly Brown | June 19, 2008

     If viewers didn’t get the chance to see Lou Dobbs’ first segment blaming the salmonella response on the ‘moronic’ FDA, they got another chance.

     On June 18, Dobbs, of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” ran virtually the same segment he…

Jeff Poor | June 19, 2008

     “CBS Evening News” went after British Burger King restaurants for offering a $200 burger it called “controversial” on June 18 and cited an anti-corporate advocacy group to support the claim. But the report downplayed the…

Nathan Burchfiel | June 19, 2008

     “Issue #1 is your economy,” CNN host Ali Velshi announced March 17, as CNN launched a new mid-day show focused on the issue polls show is the top priority for Americans in the election season. Since then, “Issue #1” has brought viewers “…

Amy Menefee | June 18, 2008

     “Good Morning America” slammed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) June 17 for “using combat vets as guinea pigs to test a controversial drug.” This report has already led to calls for congressional probes of the VA…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2008

     Obesity may be unsightly to some, but it has a real impact on the environment and our use of gasoline according to one economist.

     Dr. Richard McKenzie, a professor of economics at the University of California-Irvine and author…

BMI Staff | June 18, 2008
CNN Brings Negative View to 'Issue #1': The Economy The economy is Issue #1. CNN has that much correct. BMI is watching the networks new…
Dan Gainor | June 18, 2008

     “We’re going to scare you to death.”

     That’s not the advertising slogan for “Saw XVII.” It might well be the motto of modern journalism. “If it bleeds, it leads” has always been a news motto. Somewhere along the way, news went…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2008

     The blame game for the personal credit woes plaguing the United States has been played over and over again. But fault is almost always cast upon the same party: banks, not borrowers. ABC “World News with Charles Gibson”…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2008

     In the media’s continuous quest to find a culprit for higher prices outside of market forces, the June 17 “CBS Evening News” set its sights on an oil trading market where “speculators can run wild.” This time CBS attacked…

Kelly Brown | June 17, 2008

     Searching high and low for someone to blame for contaminated tomatoes, CNN’s Lou Dobbs tried: imported produce; a “moronic” Food and Drug Administration; and finally, President George W. Bush.



Jeff Poor | June 17, 2008

     A year and a half ago, James Spann questioned the money and the so-called scientific consensus pushing the idea that mankind is causing global warming. Today, he says it’s losing steam. Two imminent surveys of meteorologists may further…

Jeff Poor | June 17, 2008

     For once, “CBS Evening News” gave viewers a break from seeing oil companies demonized.


     At a time when gas has topped $4 a gallon and the media are looking for someone to blame…

Brian Fitzpatrick | June 17, 2008

“How sweet it is!”

No, that's not the late, great Jackie Gleason roaring out his signature line from a nightclub in Miami Beach.  It's the liberal media exulting over this weekend's homosexual “pride” celebrations and the advent of same…

Rachel Waters | June 16, 2008

     CNN’s money team is very concerned about high gas and oil prices, but the “biggest fear” of an economist on “Your $$$$$” wasn’t just that the prices would continue to climb.



Jeff Poor | June 16, 2008

     Every now and then, a little unbridled emotion can put some perspective on U.S. energy policy, and CNBC’s Jim Cramer delivered just that.


     Cramer, host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,”…

Jeff Poor | June 16, 2008

     Even financial journalists have found a way to promote a liberal social agenda, as CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” showed in a June 16 segment praising the California Supreme Court for legalizing same-sex marriage.

Jeff Poor | June 16, 2008

     With gas prices topping $4 a gallon and the idea of tapping into oil under the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or the Outer Continental Shelf becoming more popular, liberal members of Congress are changing the basis for…

Jeff Poor | June 13, 2008

     Another mainstream media outlet is taking another stab at solving high gas prices.


     The latest incarnation appeared in the June 13 USA Today – evaluating what could be done…