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Jeff Poor | June 6, 2008

    In the 1960s, one of the key rallying points that led to the organization of the modern liberal movement was resistance to the military draft and the Vietnam War.


    But Jeremy Scahill, a…

Julia A. Seymour | June 6, 2008

     It’s as if the media look for other people to blame for consumers’ financial irresponsibility. CNN “American Morning” found yet another business to blame for people’s credit card debt in its June 6 broadcast.

Kelly Brown | June 6, 2008

     How much does it cost you to breathe? For asthmatics, the price will be going way up because of a 2005 federal mandate and a treaty to protect the ozone layer.

     CBS “The Early Show” reporter Maggie Rodriguez discussed the “…

Jeff Poor | June 6, 2008

      In early trading on June 6, the price of a barrel of oil rose $6 and was holding steady at near-record highs in excess of $133. According to CNBC contributor John Kilduff, a high-ranking Israeli official caused the…

Jeff Poor | June 5, 2008

     One of the major criticisms in the 2008 presidential election cycle has been about the media bias in favor of liberal Democratic Sen. Barack Obama. Former MSNBC show host Tucker Carlson, now the senior campaign…

Julia A. Seymour | June 5, 2008

     CNN examined the differences between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama’s economic positions and admitted that taxes would be increased under democrats.

     Senior political analyst David Gergen declared that under Democrats…

Jeff Poor | June 5, 2008

     Early childhood vaccinations have often been the target of advocacy groups and the media, who have linked them to autism.

     But the June 4 “CBS Evening News” abandoned that philosophy and warned viewers that avoiding…

Kelly Brown | June 4, 2008

     CBS came up with a new way to save money on gas: just run out it. On June 3, “Evening News,” Katie Couric reported that drivers were running out of gas,as a way to get a free gallon. But the story played with numbers, making the case that…

Jeff Poor | June 4, 2008

     Once again, the food police have showed an unrelenting inclination to attack any sort of food they deem unhealthy, using any means necessary to achieve their goals.


     This time…

Dan Gainor | June 4, 2008

     Truth, it is said, is the first casualty in war. CACI International Inc. Chairman of the Board Jack London found that out the hard way. His company went to Iraq to help the war effort.

     That commitment led employees to a war…

Julia A. Seymour | June 4, 2008

     Do you want to be up to $3,700 poorer every year for the next 20 years?

     The Senate is debating a bill this week that has been touted as a solution to global warming – it contains so-called “cap-and-trade” restrictions on…

BMI Staff | June 4, 2008
Media Pave the Way for Next President to 'Cap' U.S. Energy Use Advocates and the media have compared global warming to World War II. To fight a threat portrayed that…
Jeff Poor | June 4, 2008

      In May, the “CBS Evening News” blamed high gas prices for depriving little girls of access to public pools. Now it’s citing the rising cost of gas as the reason General Motors (GM) announced it will shut down three…

Jeff Poor | June 3, 2008

     Conventional wisdom suggests that times of high economic growth would be the most appropriate occasion to enact legislation that could be very expensive for American taxpayers.

     That’s not the case for Democratic California Sen…

Nathan Burchfiel | June 3, 2008

     It’s not often when members of the media highlight positive aspects of the economy, but that’s just what ABC financial contributor Mellody Hobson did on “Good Morning America” June 3.



Jeff Poor | June 3, 2008

     After the Bush administration released a report warning of the potential dangers of global warming, you would think the media, which propagate much of the modern alarmism over climate, would be thrilled.

      That wasn’t the case…

Brian Fitzpatrick | June 3, 2008

Are the media ever going to tell us what Barack Obama believes?

After months of embarrassing revelations about the unpatriotic, conspiratorial views of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and others, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama…

Nathan Burchfiel | June 2, 2008

     Journalists have announced all sorts of interesting indicators (like Spam sales) that show an economy in the tank, especially when real indicators show continued growth and stabilization. On June 2, the NBC “Today” show turned to pawn shops…

Jeff Poor | May 30, 2008

     The search for a villain in the story of rising gas prices has become a daily pursuit for journalists and politicians seeking the spotlight. The latest party to be indicted are so-called “market manipulators” who trade oil as a commodity…

Jeff Poor | May 30, 2008

      When actual economic indicators – unemployment, jobs creation and gross domestic product, for example – aren’t meshing with the media theme of an economy in turmoil, leave it to journalists to create unconventional indicators. That’s just…