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Julia Seward | May 30, 2008

America's freedom of religion and speech are about to come under attack throughout the nation, but the major news media apparently don't grasp the significance of the California Supreme Court's decision mandating same-sex marriage in the Golden…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 29, 2008

     Credit card companies are out to get you – even if you don’t have a credit card, according to the May 29 ABC “Good Morning America.”


     “You’ve heard of a no-win situation when…

Jeff Poor | May 29, 2008

     CNN “American Morning” took the global warming agenda to a new level in a May 29 segment. Rather than just warning of the bad things that could happen from this so-called phenomenon, the morning show had a segment…

Dan Gainor | May 29, 2008

See Executive Summary

The year was 1929. The decade of the '20s was ending - not with a roar, but with a whimper. Years of a sky-high stock market and speculative buying were coming to a close. The Dow Jones had peaked on Sept. 3 at 381.…

Dan Gainor | May 29, 2008

See Full Report

The economy consumes the nightly newscasts. Broadcast networks report that America's finances are 'like a house of cards.' ABC, CBS and NBC even hyped similarities to the Great Depression more than 40 times in the first…

Jeff Poor | May 28, 2008

     The Washington Post apparently ran out of space on page 2A May 28, because its global warming scare story didn’t have room for any view other than climate change as a manmade catastrophe.



Jeff Poor | May 28, 2008

     Although there have been some signs of a settling housing market, as new home sales rose an unexpected 3.3 percent in April from March, actual home prices fell 14 percent in the first quarter of 2008, causing a network…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 28, 2008

     Despite including a high gas price prediction, ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” provided much-needed context to rising gas prices in its May 27 broadcast. The report acknowledged the supply and demand factors currently driving up the…

BMI Staff | May 28, 2008
Special Report: The Great Media Depression The Great Depression was the darkest economic period in American history yet the mainstream media continue to cite it as a point…
Nathan Burchfiel | May 28, 2008

     As unemployment remains low, the economy continues to avoid recession, and the housing market shows signs of beginning to rebound, NBC portrayed “average” Americans on the brink of starvation.

     NBC investigative correspondent…

Dan Gainor | May 28, 2008

     One look at statistics – from GDP growth to the unemployment rate – and it’s obvious this isn’t the worst economic time in U.S. history. But it might be the worst journalistically. The major media give us only two degrees of economic news…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 27, 2008

     The slowed economy is being blamed for a lot of things, and now the NBC “Nightly News” says it is hurting the children because of funding problems in California public schools.

     “In today’s tough financial times, nearly all of…

Dan Gainor | May 23, 2008

     There’s bad news and then there’s CNN’s “American Morning.” The May 23 broadcast warned of a “tipping point” for the economy, and anchor John Roberts asked an economist whether we were facing the “the D-word,” meaning depression.

Jeff Poor | May 22, 2008

     Everyone is looking for someone to blame for higher gas prices, but one of the favorite media targets has been oil companies that dare to turn a profit.

     Anthony Mason, on CBS’s May 22 “Early Show,” led off with senators on the…

Amy Menefee | May 22, 2008

     When it’s time to blame someone for “the super-sizing of American children,” The Washington Post looks to companies that market “temptations of young consumers.” Never mind how those “temptations” make it from the TV screen into the little…

Jeff Poor | May 22, 2008

     Sports are risky, sometimes leading to lasting injuries. In one case covered by the May 18 “CBS Evening News,” parents blamed aluminum bat manufacturers for their son’s injury.



Jeff Poor | May 22, 2008

     Despite the current economic situation still not meeting the technical definition of recession (two quarters of negative economic growth) BusinessWeek just launched a blog that assumes otherwise.


Jeff Poor | May 21, 2008

     It may be the mother of all doom and gloom gas price predictions: $12 for a gallon of gas is “inevitable.”


     Robert Hirsch, Management Information Services Senior Energy Advisor…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 21, 2008

     Campaign trail talk of a “windfall profits” tax on oil companies wasn’t enough for the Senate Judiciary Committee, which accused oil executives May 21 of manipulating the market.      

     Democratic senators said they saw a…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | May 21, 2008

     The $307-billion, five-year farm bill recently passed both houses of Congress with more than the two-thirds majority necessary to override a presidential veto. The Cato Institute has estimated that the last 20 years of farm programs have…