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BMI Staff | May 21, 2008
Pressure Builds on Oil Companies - from Lawmakers, Media and Candidates Oil executives told the Senate about the same old supply and demand again on May 21. Democratic…
Jeff Poor | May 21, 2008

     It didn’t take long for the “CBS Evening News” to blast the government for funding cuts after the announcement that Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.

     “Evening News” began its series…

Jeff Poor | May 20, 2008

     If you’re extremely wealthy and want to be treated like a rock star by the media, take a page from Warren Buffett’s playbook.


     Buffett, now the world’s richest man once again,…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 20, 2008

     You’d think gas prices are high enough as it is. But for some reason, the NBC “Today” show needed to make prices seem even worse by showing a picture of a gas station with above-average prices.

     Co-host Ann Curry reported that…

Jeff Poor | May 20, 2008

     “CBS Evening News” leveled a one-sided attack against widely used flame retardants in furniture and other products, featuring a liberal politician who wants to ban the chemicals.



Rachel Waters | May 19, 2008

     CNN Correspondent Greg Hunter doesn’t like to follow the crowd, or in this case listen to experts. On the May 18 edition of “Your $$$$$,”Hunter ignored recent reports that the economy is doing better than expected. Instead, he put his faith…

Jeff Poor | May 19, 2008

     Who would have thought a third-world nation held back by the rule of a socialist dictator could be so much fun?

     A report on the May 18 “NBC Nightly News” featured the Cuban National Circus, which lost 11 performers to…

Jeff Poor | May 19, 2008

     Nearly 10 years after the tobacco industry was sued, the same lawyer has brought suit against the energy industry for “conspiring to cover up the threat of man-made climate change.”



Jeff Poor | May 18, 2008

     Network news is old news as far as politics is concerned.


     According Gerald Seib, an assistant managing editor and the executive Washington editor of The Wall Street Journal,…

Jeff Poor | May 16, 2008

      If gas prices are getting you down, just hop on your bike or grab a guitar like the May 16 “Good Morning America.”


      ABC News financial correspondent Bianna…

Jeff Poor | May 16, 2008

     High gas prices are not only responsible for strained wallets, according to CBS, they are preventing little girls from going swimming this summer.

     “When we arrived in Louisville [Ky.], we headed straight for the Breslin Park…

Robert Knight | May 16, 2008

The TV news networks and other major media followed the typical gay script in reporting the California Supreme Court's 4-3 ruling Thursday striking down the voter-approved marriage law and presumably creating “gay marriage” in the Golden State…

Jeff Poor | May 15, 2008

     Worried about gas prices hitting $4 a gallon and beyond? Imagine if they were $6, $7 or even $8 a gallon. Those levels are a certain possibility should Congress pass cap-and-trade legislation, which could face a vote in early June.

Nathan Burchfiel | May 15, 2008

     The NBC “Today” show used the popular “us vs. them” approach again May 15 in an interview with ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.


     “Gas prices hit yet another record high this…

Julia A. Seymour | May 14, 2008

     The American news media declared the U.S. economy in “free fall” as it slowed in March of 2008. But much economic data hasn’t supported that negative view. Recently journalists have wrung the negatives out of stronger-than-expected numbers…

Dan Gainor | May 14, 2008

     Angry about the price of gas? It used to be you could simply blame Bill Clinton.

     In December 1995, Clinton helped make sure our margin for error with oil supplies would one day be no margin at all. Clinton vetoed a budget that…

BMI Staff | May 14, 2008
Media Make Economic Storms Out of Silver Linings The American news media declared the U.S. economy in free fall as it slowed in March of 2008. But much economic data…
Jeff Poor | May 14, 2008

     Media pundits still haven’t learned their lesson about the law of unintended consequences when it comes to government mandating energy sources.

     Federally mandated ethanol production has been blamed for food price inflation,…

Genevieve Ebel | May 14, 2008

     To say we’re in a recession or not to say we’re in the recession, that used to be the question.  Not anymore, according to polls released on the NBC “Nightly News” April 29.

    “When asked if we’re in a recession, 81 percent [of…

Jeff Poor | May 14, 2008

     It’s not quite Birkenstocks and tie-dyed T-shirts, but presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) has shown he’s willing to go the extra mile to embrace the global warming movement.

     The latest sign of…