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Julia A. Seymour | August 6, 2008

     There’s an oil war going on, but it isn’t raging in the Middle East. It’s an ongoing assault on the oil industry by the media for everything from profits to offshore drilling to global warming. CNN has even accused oil…

Pete Sepp, Special to BMI | August 6, 2008

     Julius Caesar’s decision to cross the river Rubicon touched off three years of bloodshed and strife that changed the Roman world. So it is (in less dramatic fashion) with the decisions Congress will make about whether and how to bail out…

Jeff Poor | August 5, 2008

     Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain may be thrust into the public spat between House Republicans and Democrats over the Democratic leadership’s decision to take summer recess without vote on offshore oil drilling.

Jeff Poor | August 5, 2008

     The Barack Obama presidential campaign couldn’t have scripted it better themselves.

     The August 4 “CBS Evening News” gave a gleaming account of the energy plan Obama unveiled earlier in the day. Republican presidential…

Dan Gainor | August 4, 2008

     The price of oil continues to plunge – off more than $25 a barrel from its high. Naturally, someone was bound to credit … Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Only one problem, the financial expert who did so…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 4, 2008

     The broadcast networks just can’t get enough of the food police.


     ABC joined in August 4 with a “Good Morning America” segment taken straight from a new report by the self-…

Jeff Poor | August 1, 2008

     You have to give credit where credit is due.

     On Aug. 3, 2007, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer lost his cool about Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s reluctance to cut key interest rates. A year later, his comments…

Jeff Poor | August 1, 2008

     The U.S. economy has just barely flirted with a recession, yet one business columnist sounded the death knell for entrepreneurial capitalism on August 1.


     Pulitzer Prize-…

Jeff Poor | August 1, 2008

     The media have made a habit of reporting record oil company profits with disdain rather than perspective; bitterness rather than accuracy.


      That’s just how the July 31 “…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     Just a couple shorts months ago, the media were preaching a doom-and-gloom scenario about the economic downturn – feeling a need to illustrate various ways of economic hardship.

      BusinessWeek magazine even went as far as to…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     Al-Qaida poses a bigger threat to the United States today than it did on Sept. 11, 2001, and the only way to prevent more attacks is to spend money on non-military international aid, according a July 31 speech by one-time presidential…

Jeff Poor | July 31, 2008

     San Francisco isn’t a liberal bastion that is out of step with the rest of the country. That’s just all right-wing spin attempting to suppress any notion of the economic “fairness” of San Francisco, according to California Democratic…

BMI Staff | July 30, 2008
Second Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media The minimum wage went up last week, but the media still mostly ignored the economic…
Jeff Poor | July 30, 2008

     Labeling the current economic situation a “recession” has been premature, but common among the media, in recent months. But a new poll shows more and more economists are predicting recession will be averted.

     An article by John…

Julia A. Seymour | July 30, 2008

     Many in the media gleefully proclaimed the second scheduled increase of the federal minimum wage last week, but few journalists correctly reported how many people would benefit or included economists’ criticisms of the…

Jeff Poor | July 30, 2008

     Knocking off iconic cereal box characters in 2007 wasn’t enough for the self-appointed “food police.” Now they want characters like that to promote only healthy foods.


     The July…

Jeff Poor | July 29, 2008

     Climate change is no longer just an environmental issue. It’s now an issue of race, according to global warming activists and policy makers.

     “It is critical our community be an integral and active part of the debate because…

Nathan Burchfiel | July 29, 2008

     Nearly 20 million American households utilize payday lending services to make an emergency car repair, cover a variety of other costs or avoid bounced check fees. Leave it to CBS to attack the legitimate, legal, and useful service.

Brian Fitzpatrick | July 29, 2008

The Fix Is In, Part 1: Misreporting a Congressional Hearing

CMI's new Eye on Culture, “Media Big Guns Fire Away at Military's Gay Ban,” addresses the barrage of biased media stories that preceded a Congressional hearing on the Don't…

Jeff Poor | July 28, 2008

     When Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) took the role of Speaker of the House on January 4, 2007, the national average price of gas was $2.33 a gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. Now the average price…