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Brian Fitzpatrick | August 26, 2008

Should coverage of religion in America ignore conservative Christian leaders like Dr. Pat Robertson and Dr. James Dobson?

Yes, according to a session at the annual conference of the National Lesbian…

Paul Detrick | August 25, 2008

     An opponent of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s health care proposal is a “bad person” in Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell’s book, even if that opponent is Sen. Hillary Clinton.

     “Hillary has fought for…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 25, 2008

     Conservatives are certainly opposed to tax increases proposed by Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama. But even some of his supporters are calling for revisions to his plans.

     “[I]’d have the capital gains as they…

Jeff Poor | August 25, 2008

     Sending “profanity-laced” e-mails or calling executives at their homes to express your frustration about a loan you can’t pay back may not seem like efficient ways to refinance. But they could get you glowing coverage in…

Jeff Poor | August 22, 2008

     Consider the source on this one, but the face of liberalism on cable television, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, finds it “ironic” an event meant to shed light on the “hoax of global warming” would be canceled due to tropical…

Dan Gainor | August 21, 2008

     It is a matter of liberal orthodoxy that abortion is all about choice.      Nothing could be further from the truth.     Liberals support choice when it’s choice they agree with. The second that changes, they call for government mandates. No…

Paul Detrick | August 21, 2008

     CNN’s “American Morning” pointed out that high gas prices were the reason ridership on Amtrak was up 14 percent and then pushed for more funding for the government-sponsored program through a recent Senate proposal.

Jeff Poor | August 21, 2008

     It’s better late than never. Now that a government takeover of government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has been declared “inevitable,” the media are beginning to realize the GSEs were a bad idea…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 20, 2008

     The fake couple famous for opposing universal health care is back and has changed their tune. The network news media couldn’t be happier.


     “They’re back: Harry and Louise,…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 20, 2008

     The media love when the government steps in to solve a problem. Journalists champion regulations on vehicle fuel standards, oil company profits, housing, food labeling and a host of other issues.


BMI Staff | August 20, 2008
The Nanny State Diaries From trans fat to plastic grocery bag bans, the media often take the side of the government making decisions for…
Dan Gainor | August 20, 2008

     When is an increase in consumer confidence bad news? When ABC reports it.


     Network anchor George Stephanopoulos led off the August 19 "World News" with this gloom-and-doom…

Jeff Poor | August 20, 2008

     Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines a disaster as “a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss or destruction.”

     Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama used it to describe one…

Jeff Poor | August 19, 2008

     CBS News finally found a reason to praise one company for oil speculation, despite past criticism of the practice.


     As oil climbed toward its record high over $147 a barrel in…

Jeff Poor | August 18, 2008

     As oil hit a record of more than $147 a barrel on July 11, the media made a game of trying to determine the root cause by focusing on the minutia and not on economics – specifically supply and demand according to one…

Jeff Poor | August 18, 2008

     What’s 19 billion barrels of oil between friends? writer Steve Hargreaves underestimated the amount of oil available in currently untapped offshore sites by 19…

Jeff Poor | August 15, 2008

     The NBC family of networks has no problem showing viewers how to save the planet. But if it is a muggy, smoggy 85 degrees, as is the forecast for Beijing this week, consider looking elsewhere for eco-inspiration.

Jeff Poor | August 15, 2008

     For the second day in a row, CNBC “Squawk Box” fill-in anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera championed the notion that an economy unfettered from taxation is the best policy.

      Caruso-Cabrera and co-anchor Joe Kernan interviewed…

Kristen Fyfe | August 15, 2008

Here are two seemingly unrelated facts:

1. Comedienne Ellen DeGeneres and her girlfriend Portia de Rossi will get married in California this weekend.

2. One of the platform planks for the Democrats at this year's convention…

Jeff Poor | August 14, 2008

     Anytime a journalist invokes the name of the late economist Milton Friedman, and doesn’t bash him, it is worthy of praise.

     CNBC “Squawk Box” fill-in co-host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera did just that. The comment came in an…