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Dan Gainor | September 3, 2008

     Hollywood has been a liberal bastion for decades. Like the movies, pop music has been a leader for left-wing causes from Woody Guthrie in the ’30s to anti-Vietnam War folkies like Bob Dylan and Pete Seeger.       The musicians that have…

Paul Detrick | September 2, 2008

     Sex sells, even during a presidential election. But that doesn’t mean journalists have to be happy about it.

     CNBC’s “Squawk Box” co-host Joe Kernan took a moment during a panel discussion September 2 to take a shot at the…

Jeff Poor | September 2, 2008

     Even though one of the network’s cameramen was arrested last week after crashing a lobbyist event in Denver during the Democratic National Convention, ABC is continuing its crusade.



Jeff Poor | August 30, 2008

     Sometime you really have wonder at what cost some are willing to see their political ideology advanced.

     To liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, the bounds are seemingly endless. Moore has made a recent career out of…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 29, 2008

     It’s hard to squeeze in air time for positive economic news when it doesn’t fit the agenda of the Democratic presidential candidate you’re busy fawning over.

     On the night Sen. Barack Obama accepted his party’s nomination in…

Paul Detrick | August 29, 2008

     If you break the terms of a contract, you should be expected to pay a penalty, right? Not according to ABC’s “Good Morning America.”


     “Good Morning America” criticized fees…

Jeff Poor | August 29, 2008

     In an election where the economy is a top issue for voters, an endorsement from a respected financial journalist might be something to brag about. Not so fast, Democrats.



Dan Gainor | August 28, 2008
     The American economy is a “disaster.” The media have been singing that song for at least a year. When a presidential candidate recites the refrain, it’s news.      Or it should be.       But in the election of 2008, such a ridiculous claim…
Dan Gainor | August 28, 2008
     The American economy is a “disaster.” The media have been singing that song for at least a year. When a presidential candidate recites the refrain, it’s news.      Or it should be.       But in the election of 2008, such a ridiculous claim…
Jeff Poor | August 28, 2008

     High oil prices are hitting everyone, including hip-hop moguls forced to ground their private jets to save on fuel.

     After revealing on his video blog (contains profanity) that two round trips from Los Angeles to New York on…

Jeff Poor | August 28, 2008

     CNBC’s resident loose-cannon had been on a string of outstanding behavior. He criticized the government’s handling of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. He gave the media grief for overanalyzing the oil market fluctuations. And a year ago, he…

Julia A. Seymour | August 27, 2008

     Another pharmaceutical company is being targeted by the media – except this time it’s over the drug Gardasil, embraced by journalists just two years ago.


     ABC, CBS, The New York…

Jeff Poor | August 27, 2008

     A lot of times, the word “lobbyist” has a negative connotation. In fact, ABC’s August 26 “World News with Charles Gibson” used the word to smear a whole group of people without providing any facts to prove wrongdoing.…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | August 27, 2008

     Often we see headlines about inflation and hear financial analysts commenting on it. “Good Morning America’s” Chris Cuomo warned on August 21 that “America is waking up to nationwide sticker shock, an unexpected spike in inflation now at a…

BMI Staff | August 27, 2008
About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker Another pharmaceutical company is being targeted by the media except this time its the maker of…
Brian Fitzpatrick | August 27, 2008

It's spelled NLGJA, but they pronounce it “Negligee.”The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) just held its annual convention here in Washington D.C., attracting hundreds of journalists – and ringing endorsements – from…

Jeff Poor | August 26, 2008

     Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s two daughters, Malia, 9, and Sasha, 6, are big fans of Hannah Montana – and maybe there’s a reason why.

     Teen star Miley Cyrus, known as Hannah Montana in the Disney Channel…

Jeff Poor | August 26, 2008

     James Carville made a living as an attack dog for President Bill Clinton and liberal causes since 2000. But Carville switched to attacking his own party on CNN during coverage of the Democrat’s 2008 presidential convention.


Nathan Burchfiel | August 26, 2008

     If you don’t feel like reading the fine print on a contract and regret having signed it, you can always count on a network morning show to back you up.


     That’s what NBC’s “Today…

Kristen Fyfe | August 26, 2008

The broadcast networks have devoted a lot of manpower and resources to covering this week's Democratic National Convention in Denver.  Viewers have been bombarded with images of delegates in crazy hats sporting Michelle/Kennedy/Obama/Biden/…