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Amy Menefee | September 10, 2008

Confessions of a Subprime Lender: An Insider’s Tale of Greed, Fraud and Ignorance by Richard Bitner. Paperback. 208 pages. Wiley. List price: $19.95.

     Greed is bad.

     Well, when it makes you so crazy that you become…

Nathan Burchfiel | September 10, 2008

     CNN’s “best political team on television” is proving itself to be the best at closing its eyes, plugging its ears and repeating “la, la, la, we can’t hear you” when it comes to Republicans addressing economic concerns.

     CNN –…

Jeff Poor | September 9, 2008

     The economy isn’t out of the woods yet in spite of 3.3 percent gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the second quarter of 2008, according to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

     Greenspan appeared on CNBC’s…

Dan Gainor | September 9, 2008

     Convention time just ended for journalists, and they are on edge about the future. Not the political conventions – the annual Society of Professional Journalists event. With ad dollars shrinking and job losses mounting, the future they are…

Julia A. Seymour | September 9, 2008

     Technological glitches can come with a high price tag – as United Airlines found out on September 8.

     According to The Washington Post, a six-year-old Chicago Tribune article about the airline’s 2002 bankruptcy was archived…

Jeff Poor | September 9, 2008

     Chalk this up as another attempt by the mainstream media to sway public sentiment toward global warming hysteria.

     According to a report on ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” September 8, climate change is making your…

Brian Fitzpatrick | September 9, 2008

The monster springs suddenly, without warning, from the frigid depths of the Bering Sea.  Striding imperiously onto dry land, it slowly turns its crested head toward an isolated fishing village. 

The people scatter, screaming in terror…

Jeff Poor | September 8, 2008

     Has America created its own variety of communism with the U.S. Treasury Department’s bailout of two beleaguered government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE)? According to…

Jeff Poor | September 8, 2008

     As goes the cyclical nature of tropical weather goes the cyclical nature of the media tying tropical weather to anthropogenic global warming.

     Both the September 7 “NBC Nightly News” and ABC “World News Sunday” included…

Paul Detrick | September 8, 2008

     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer said September 8 that a federal bailout of beleaguered mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a “home-run plan,” even though it could mean tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer…

Jeff Poor | September 5, 2008

     The end of the political convention season must have put Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., in a good mood. It got him praising Democrats and complimenting the mainstream media. But it didn’t stop him from criticizing “nutty”…

Julia A. Seymour | September 5, 2008

     Readers familiar with Time magazine’s global warming alarmism might have expected the publication to name climate change the culprit being worsening natural disasters. But they’d be wrong.

     On September 3, examined “…

Paul Detrick | September 4, 2008

     When an anti-business media personality makes a business magazine’s “Most Powerful” list, there is definitely something wrong.


     Forbes magazine released its list of the 100 most…

Jeff Poor | September 4, 2008

     Google CEO Eric Schmidt says government regulation of Internet service providers (ISPs) is necessary. In fact, he said he thinks the entire concept of the Internet marketplace relies on it.

     Schmidt spoke to conservative…

David All | September 3, 2008

     Two ideas are dear to conservatives: a belief in the benefits of innovation and the power of free markets. When it comes to technology policy, we generally believe that a hands-off regulatory approach is one that makes the most sense. It’s…

Julia A. Seymour | September 3, 2008

     As Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., accepted his party’s nomination for president he warned of an American economy in “turmoil.” Throughout convention week the news media helped reinforce Obama’s negative perspective.

     During the…

Jeff Poor | September 3, 2008

     The GOP is making a dramatic change to its stance on climate change thanks to a “push” from presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, according to the 2008 Republican Platform Committee chairman.

     Platform Chair Rep. Kevin…

BMI Staff | September 3, 2008
Obama Embraces Media Hype about Economic 'Turmoil' Like looking in a mirror, Sen. Barack Obamas downbeat perspective on the economy reflected the…
Nathan Burchfiel | September 3, 2008

     The broadcast media just can’t seem to get past the notion that President George W. Bush has created economic turmoil.

     In a segment painting a dismal picture for Bush’s presidential legacy, CBS White House correspondent Jim…

Whitney Stewart | September 3, 2008

     Former Republican and Libertarian presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul on September 2 called the Republicans’ vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a “good person” but said she would be unable to “rein in…