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Dan Gainor | September 26, 2008

     NBC wants to help you find the “silver lining in the economic cloud.” Just don’t listen to “Today” host Matt Lauer.


     The Sept. 26 show brought on three financial experts to help…

Jeff Poor | September 26, 2008

     Conservative House Republicans and economists warn about the toll a $700 billion federal bailout of the financial sector would have on the taxpayers footing the bill. But according to Bloomberg TV analyst Marc Faber, the…

Paul Detrick | September 25, 2008


     Conservative opposition to a federal bailout of financial institutions is over campaign donations, not a desire to uphold sound market principles, according to CNBC.


Jeff Poor | September 25, 2008

     In the era of globalization, where the economies of the world aren’t confined by international boundaries, socialism shouldn’t be either – according to CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer.

     Reports have surfaced that the Federal…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2008

    A 20 percent drop in the Dow could happen, according to CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer, unless the government passes this bailout plan.


     The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2008

     Are the ideals that made this country great in jeopardy? They must be as far as former “NBC Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw’s is concerned.

     Are the ideals that made this country great in…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2008

Are journalists playing favorites with some of the key political figures involved with regulatory oversight of U.S. financial markets?

     MSNBC’s Chris Matthews launched several vitriolic attacks on the Republican Party on his…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2008

     Are journalists playing favorites with some of the key political figures involved with regulatory oversight of U.S. financial markets?


     MSNBC’s Chris Matthews launched several…

Julia A. Seymour | September 24, 2008

     As politicians point fingers over who created the financial mess that has taken down major Wall Street players and resulted in the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the broadcast media’s role in the…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2008

     Now that Congress has a proposal before them to bail out beleaguered investment banks in the wake of the subprime mortgage fallout, there is one way to pump liquidity into the markets almost no one is talking about – cutting the financial…

BMI Staff | September 24, 2008
Media Mum on Barney Franks Fannie Mae Love Connection Rep. Barney Frank has done oversight for Fannie Mae for nearly 20 years. He took $40,…
Iain Murray | September 24, 2008

Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children by Philip and Alice Shabecoff. Hardcover. 368 pages. Random House. List price $26.00.


     There’s a cartoon that ran in the New Yorker a couple of years ago. Two cavemen are…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2008

      It was just a matter of time. Now that government has taken over services normally offered by private corporations as a result of the recent series of bailouts, environmentalists have proposed green building…

Dan Gainor | September 24, 2008
     With the “meltdown” on Wall Street, it looks like global warming is striking the financial markets.      Don’t laugh. It must have gone somewhere because it’s not doing as the left and the media had warned. Just a few months ago, supposedly…
Lauren O'Reilly | September 23, 2008

     After an unprecedented week of economic ups and downs, CNN’s “In the Money” reassured consumers that a doomsday Depression is far from America’s economy. In fact, the September 21 “Emergency Edition” proved to be a refreshing burst of…

Jeff Poor | September 23, 2008

    One of Sen. John McCain’s strategists called The New York Times a “pro-Obama advocacy organization,” on Sept. 22, and CNBC’s John Harwood just couldn’t understand why.


     That was just…

Jeff Poor | September 23, 2008

     No need to decide on your own; “NBC Nightly News” has already determined which presidential candidate has the best tax policy.

     The Sept. 22 broadcast offered in-depth analysis of the two presidential candidates’ tax proposals…

Jeff Poor | September 23, 2008

     All three broadcast networks have reported on the banking crisis that is threatening the stability of financial markets and the overall economy. But on September 22, the ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” used the…

Jeff Poor | September 22, 2008

     Last week, CNBC Washington correspondent John Harwood estimated the crisis on Wall Street would benefit Sen. Barack Obama’s bid for the White House but on September 22, he suggested Obama’s race might outweigh that.

Paul Detrick | September 19, 2008

     If you are the CEO of a private company that fails, prepare to be scrutinized by the media. If you are the CEO of a government sponsored enterprise (GSE), you don’t even get a mention.

     In a September 19 “Good Morning America”…