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Jeff Poor | October 9, 2008

     As one of CNBC’s star personalities, “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer has often appeared on the financial cable network’s parent channel, NBC – and has had an even more prominent role during the global financial crisis.

     Cramer made…

Jeff Poor | October 9, 2008

     The media in the hip pocket of big oil and coal? Sounds like an outrageous claim given how much those industries get blasted on the networks. But that’s just what the CEO of the Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection’s…

Julia A. Seymour | October 8, 2008

     The financial system has been the damsel in distress of the U.S. economy for weeks, and according to the media only one hero could save her: the government and its $700 billion “rescue package.”


BMI Staff | October 8, 2008
Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue' The financial system has been the damsel in distress of the U.S. economy for weeks, and…
Jeff Poor | October 8, 2008

     On the day when former American International Group Inc. (AIG) executives testified before the House Oversight Committee, reports surfaced that the company spent $440,000 on a retreat for independent agents. The trip occurred after the $85-…

Jeff Poor | October 8, 2008

     The broadcast networks have certainly backed liberal economic policies promoted by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. But on CNBC Oct. 8, the network’s on-air editor declared the policies “absurd” and…

Jeff Poor | October 8, 2008

     In his 1961 inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.” CBS must have forgotten that is the role of government – not mandates.

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | October 8, 2008

     Ludwig von Mises in a classic 1927 book, Liberalism, wrote that government intervention in markets would lead inevitably to unintended consequences that resulted in further government intervention.

     The current financial…

Jeff Poor | October 7, 2008

     Earlier this year, many voices in the media were warning for the worst when it came to the price of oil as economic uncertainty loomed ahead. One analyst even predicted in May that oil would hit $300 a barrel.

Jeff Poor | October 7, 2008

     If you’re going to hype something, you should get it right. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell below 10,000 on Oct. 6 for the first time in nearly four years, but the close seems like it hit a decade low to some…

Dan Gainor | October 7, 2008
     What a week! Capitol Hill battles over the bailout. Wall Street tumbles. Anchor John Roberts tells us “economists are now warning of a new recession.”      Oops. That last bit comes from May 2004 – right as the recovery from the previous…
Jeff Poor | October 7, 2008

     Journalists are trained to “follow the money” – to uncover who donates how much to what campaign, especially in the midst of a presidential election.


     When Lehman Brothers CEO…

Jeff Poor | October 7, 2008

     Could the United States be forced into taking a page straight from Hugo Chávez’s playbook – down the path of nationalization? According to New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, there’s an almost 100-percent chance it will.


Lauren O'Reilly | October 6, 2008

     Despite the “populist uprising” to block the economic bailout, President Bush signed a $700 billion rescue plan Oct. 3. The bailout spurred much debate, including a second dispute between financial analysts Peter Schiff…

Jeff Poor | October 6, 2008

     It seems anxiety from the financial crisis is reaching new highs, but the tipping point for one individual came at the Lehman Brothers gym in the midst of the company’s collapse.



Jeff Poor | October 6, 2008

     The collapse of several financial institutions has sparked a media blame game that continued on CBS’s “60 Minutes” Oct. 5.


     Correspondent Steve Kroft attacked credit default…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2008

     With all the turmoil in financial markets in the wake of a defeated federal government bailout package, hyperbole is running at high levels.


     Take former presidential candidate…

Paul Detrick | October 3, 2008

     Children’s cough and cold medicine is “safe” when used properly, but according to the same CBS doctor the product is “dangerous.” As a result, the network chose to blame business.



Jeff Poor | October 3, 2008

     It’s almost like yelling, “There’s not a fire” in a crowded theater. It’s enough to get the audience’s attention by startling them, even though the alarm isn’t supported by reality.

     Such is the case with the cover of the new…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2008

     Fighting obesity with pork may not sound like the path to physical fitness – until you realize it isn’t “the other white meat,” but government spending.

    The “NBC Nightly News” on Oct. 2 praised Republican Oklahoma City Mayor…