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Paul Detrick | October 23, 2008

     When Tony the Tiger gets fired, we’ll know biofuel mandates have taken their toll.


     Correspondent Susan Koeppen said on “The Early Show” Oct. 23 consumers would be “paying more…

Nathan Burchfiel | October 23, 2008

     The U.S. media have hesitated to connect government mandates for biofuels to higher food prices, but one British financial publication’s two-part series finally shed some light on the ethanol ‘bubble.”

     The first report in the…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

     If it could pass the “bovine test,” Standard…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

      As the media continue their quest to assign blame for the present economic environment – mostly on the free market – some of the most overlooked culprits have been the major credit rating agencies.

     The media have mostly…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

     If a controversial left-wing billionaire that finances a number of liberal advocacy groups doesn’t fully trust a Republican cabinet member – well, CNN will probably echo his criticism.



BMI Staff | October 22, 2008
America 2012 Journalists have spent the 2008 Presidential race promoting liberal economic policies. From bureaucratic health care to…
Dan Kennedy | October 22, 2008

     Sen. John McCain’s adviser, Carly Fiorina, coming off a controversial tenure running Hewlett-Packard, has been widely quoted as ill-advisedly but accurately observing that none of the candidates, McCain included, are capable of running a…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2008

     Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said on the campaign trail that it would be a good idea to “spread the wealth around.” But don’t call that “socialism” unless you want to make enemies in the media.

Brian Fitzpatrick | October 22, 2008

Barack Obama's relationship with Weathermen founder William Ayers would reveal a great deal about the candidate's character and values, if establishment journalists chose to tell the tale. 

But rather than investigate and expose the…

Dan Gainor | October 21, 2008
     “It’s the economy, stupid.” That little James Carville nugget from the 1992 election is as true now as it was then.          With Wall Street more of a roller coaster than an investment vehicle, ordinary Americans are worried about their future…
Jeff Poor | October 21, 2008

     When Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama publicly said “spreading the wealth around” was better for the country, it caused some of his critics to cry socialism.



Jeff Poor | October 21, 2008

     The verdict is in. ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” has determined for the American people that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama will give most people a tax cut, while GOP presidential nominee Sen.…

Jeff Poor | October 20, 2008

     It’s one thing for the media to have a bias for Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, but it’s another thing to be overt about it as MSNBC “Politics of Money” co-host Contessa Brewer was Oct. 20.

Jeff Poor | October 20, 2008

     The media have compared the current economic turmoil to the Great Depression for months, but The Wall Street Journal took it a step further – literally – by sending a reporter for the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C.…

Lauren O'Reilly | October 20, 2008

     Barack Obama has a great tax plan, at least according to one expert on CNN’s “Your Money” Oct. 19.

     Allan Lichtman tried to convince "Your $$$$$" viewers that Sen. Barack Obama has the better plan during a comparison of the…

Jeff Poor | October 17, 2008

     Financial legend Donald Trump, in an interview by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on the Oct. 15 “The Situation Room,” expressed his disappointment House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t move to impeach President George W. Bush.

Jeff Poor | October 17, 2008

     Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama is earning praise for placing campaign ads in video games. Supporters say his targeting of a younger, captive audience shows the junior Illinois senator is “hip.”

Jeff Poor | October 17, 2008

     ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” had no problem with playing the role of campaign defender Oct. 16. The programs took aim at Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher’s complaint-turned-McCain debate talking point about higher taxes under Obama…

Jeff Poor | October 17, 2008

     It might seem like a non-issue. With the stock market way off its 2007 record highs and banking institutions failing in the midst of a presidential election, global warming alarmists have toned down their pleas for economy-killing…

Jeff Poor | October 16, 2008

     Call this a concerted effort by the media to assassinate the character of an ordinary guy for calling out a liberal politician for wanting to raise taxes.

      Journalists covering Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama…