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Jeff Poor | November 5, 2008

     What’s in your wallet?  Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean would like to know.

     Dean and Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan were speakers at a luncheon at the National Press Club Nov. 5, where…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 5, 2008

Dear Editor:

Regarding "Obama wins presidency" (November 5): To all persons who understand that freer markets bring greater prosperity, I offer a reason to applaud Obama's defeat of McCain.

A President McCain would have followed…

Jeff Poor | November 4, 2008

     It’s this type of political rhetoric that brings out the “Joe the Plumber” in all of us.

     Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., thinks it’s a “simplistic notion” for people who are successful in their bid to become wealthy to hold on to that…

Matt Philbin | November 4, 2008

     This presidential campaign season, the candidates threw around proposed tax plans with huge numbers attached.  Here’s another big number: four. A reporter at a broadcast network or a major American newspaper is four times more likely to…

Lauren O'Reilly | November 4, 2008

     Most Americans say that journalists want Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States, according to a Pew Research Center poll. So CNN’s “Your $$$$$” special “Election Edition” might…

BMI Staff | November 4, 2008
Networks Obsess Over Polls, Limit Substantive Coverage The media had an opportunity in the final week before the election to give…
Dan Kennedy | November 4, 2008

     For two weeks, I have watched the talking heads of financial news – on CNBC, Fox Business, even Bloomberg – discussing the evolving GM-Chrysler merger to be funded by the federal government. I am astounded they have all missed the story or…

Nathan Burchfiel | November 4, 2008

     The last week before the 2008 Presidential Election gave the broadcast networks one more opportunity to give viewers real information on the candidates’ economic proposals, but instead they obsessed over polls and horse race coverage by…

Paul Detrick | November 4, 2008

     An Obama victory could boost conservative talk show hosts according to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on election day. The show was more skeptical over the future of left-wing talk.

     “Who is going to win in terms of the cable wars?” asked…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 4, 2008

To the Editor:

Andrew Wilson is right: the New Deal did not end the Great Depression ("Five Myths About the Great Depression," November 4). No less an authority than FDR's Treasury secretary and close friend, Henry Morganthau, conceded…

Jeff Poor | November 3, 2008

     The revelation that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama would bankrupt the coal industry “for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted,” has prompted harsh reaction from various pro-coal constituencies.…

Dan Gainor | November 3, 2008

     The election isn’t even over, but Americans have made their opinions known. The biggest loser of the 2008 campaign is the mainstream media. In poll after poll, voters express anger and dissatisfaction at journalists’ blatantly prObama…

Matt Philbin | October 31, 2008

     Better late than never. On Oct. 30, the day after Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s half-hour prime time infomercial, CBS “Evening News” took a skeptical look at the candidate’s fiscal proposals.

     “By the end…

Julia A. Seymour | October 31, 2008

     Time Inc. is facing an advertising ‘depression,’ which might explain its magazine’s recent obsession with the Great Depression and the 1930s.

     Time’s Oct. 27 issue – the one with FDR, Abraham Lincoln and the two presidential…

Jeff Poor | October 31, 2008

     Based on media coverage, conventional wisdom suggests Wall Street would favor Republican Party candidates when donating to campaigns. But that’s not the case.


     According to the…

Paul Detrick | October 30, 2008

     Every holiday season people travel and the media celebrate the yearly tradition of complaining about how much airfare costs have increased.


     CBS’s “The Early Show” got an early…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2008

     There’s something a little creepy about historical figures being brought back to life to promote climate change alarmism, but the over-the-top environmentalists at Greenpeace have no qualms with using it as a tactic.

Nathan Burchfiel | October 30, 2008

     Rarely does a broadcast journalist passionately defend science and business. But NBC’s chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman did just that on the network’s “Today” show Oct. 30.



Jeff Poor | October 30, 2008

     On Oct. 29, the Federal Reserve cut the Fed funds rate target to 1 percent – a level not seen since 2003 – in an effort to make lending flow more freely. But “CBS Evening News” went a different direction with its coverage…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2008

     Some people might have done a double-take when they saw an Obama TV ad that aired during primetime television newscasts Oct. 28 suggesting the conservative Heritage Foundation endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s tax…