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Jeff Poor | October 29, 2008

     What do you get when you combine critique from a left-wing storefront and an off-base conclusion with a dose of overbearing hyperbole? A three-minute segment on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.”

     The Oct. 29 “Countdown…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2008

     This could be worse than mixing metaphors. If Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama is going to ad lib in a speech about the economy by invoking black 1970s breakthrough TV, he could at least get it right.…

Dan Kennedy | October 29, 2008

     Is it possible to tax only the rich and leave everyone else alone?

     I have met and talked with many politicians, mostly when they were out speaking for their suppers just as I was. I repeatedly spent backstage time with four…

BMI Staff | October 29, 2008
Left, Media Try to Cook Up a New New Deal The media have been obsessed with the Great Depression this year, comparing our current time…
Julia A. Seymour | October 29, 2008

     1929 was a devastating year. The October stock market crash erased more than people’s life savings; in many cases it also robbed them of hope as the United States entered the Great Depression. It’s a year Americans have…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2008

     Could this be a sign Americans are rejecting redistributive socialism?

     Although it hasn’t received much attention in the media, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain has gained on Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2008

     Over the past year and a half, CBS business correspondent Anthony Mason has filed downbeat report after downbeat report for “CBS Evening News” – so negative that at in January 2008 anchor Katie Couric labeled him the “…

Brian Fitzpatrick | October 29, 2008

A West Hollywood prankster is making Halloween headlines by hanging Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in effigy. But the real story of the past few weeks is the news media's high-tech lynching of the Alaska governor.

Jeff Poor | October 28, 2008

     Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said he thinks things are better when you “spread the wealth around” by raising taxes on the rich. But the unsettled point of debate is just where the line is between rich and poor.

Jeff Poor | October 28, 2008

     The New York Times editorial board saw nothing but economic gloom past, present and future in its outlook for 2008.

     A January 2 Times editorial was not at all optimistic about the new year and the economy, mocking President…

Lauren O'Reilly | October 28, 2008

     Many economists argue that increases in the minimum wage cost jobs, but that didn’t stop “Your $$$$$” hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans from defending such increases.



Jeff Poor | October 28, 2008

     Election punditry sometimes comes from strange places. On CNN, it came from a former professional basketball player with a liberal point of view.

     Charles Barkley, a former NBA most valuable player, who is now an analyst for…

Jeff Poor | October 28, 2008

     The media onslaught against Wall Street continued Oct. 27 in a NBC “Nightly News” segment slamming executive compensation and calling for more regulation of the financial sector.



Jeff Poor | October 28, 2008

      The Obama campaign has decided to employ the shoot-the-messenger approach in response to comments he made about claims his positions are socialist. The quotes come from a 2001 Chicago Public Radio interview where…

Jeff Poor | October 27, 2008

     You know media bias has reached epic proportions when journalists are criticizing their own colleagues for a lack of professionalism in covering Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama and Republican vice presidential nominee Gov…

Jeff Poor | October 27, 2008

     Even international newspapers are eager to acknowledge their support for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, confirming what many already knew about the media position on liberal economic policies.

     The lead…

Dan Gainor | October 27, 2008

     Little did Joe the plumber know that Barack Obama was just scratching the surface when he answered Joe’s question with a desire to “spread the wealth around.” A new discovery of a 2001 radio appearance by Obama has thrust socialism into the…

Jeff Poor | October 27, 2008

     Although you might think otherwise given the wall-to-wall coverage of financial crisis in the midst of a presidential election, most people will probably be alright.



Julia A. Seymour | October 23, 2008

     Perhaps CNN should change its moniker from “the most trusted name in news” to the most envious name in news.

     The network stoked the anger and jealousy of ordinary citizens with an outrageous hour-long set-up called “Fall of…

Jeff Poor | October 23, 2008

     Prostitution may be the world’s oldest profession, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it can “boost” a city’s economic growth.


     CNN “American Morning” legal analyst Sunny Hostin…