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BMI Staff | October 16, 2008
Krugman Follows Well-Worn Path to Nobel Prize: Outspoken Liberal Ideas Like Gore, IPCC and Carter, NYT columnist shows how Bush-…
Dan Kennedy | October 16, 2008

     Where were you when the lights went out on Wall Street?

     On Friday, Oct. 10, the first day the Dow dropped below 8,000 before crawling barely above that at close, a friend and I were in Atlantic City on a guys’ vacation. We…

Jeff Poor | October 16, 2008

     Call this free-market capitalism’s nightmare. The global financial markets are struggling, both political party presidential nominees are promoting populist ideals in their stump speeches and perpetual Bush-basher and…

Dan Gainor | October 15, 2008
     America has always valued success. But at the same time, we’ve had a love affair with class warfare. Big businessmen – railroad tycoons, bankers and cattlemen – became easy targets for our discontent.      Wealth, success, power could be summed…
Dan Gainor | October 15, 2008

     America has always valued success. But at the same time, we’ve had a love affair with class warfare. Big businessmen – railroad tycoons, bankers and cattlemen – became easy targets for our discontent.   …

Jeff Poor | October 15, 2008

     As the media and Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama force-feed the country populism, National Public Radio (NPR) went back to the movement’s roots.



Jeff Poor | October 15, 2008

     As gas prices climbed during summer, broadcast networks relentlessly supplied an onslaught of high gas price segments. But as prices plummeted, ABC admitted that its gas price predictions were wrong.

     The Oct. 14 “World News…

Jeff Poor | October 15, 2008

     It doesn’t matter if the market goes up or down, the mainstream media is never satisfied.


     Earlier this year, all three broadcast networks expressed concern that higher…

Jeff Poor | October 14, 2008

     Is there still a possibility that if Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama loses this year’s election, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., would make another run for the White House? According to Clinton, the chances are “close-to-…

Jeff Poor | October 14, 2008

     When coming under fire for promoting a left-of-center ideology just point the finger at President George W. Bush.


     Princeton economics professor and New York Times columnist…

Jeff Poor | October 14, 2008

     Logic might suggest that during economic hardship, charity would be one of the first casualties. But according to National Public Radio (NPR) that isn’t necessarily the case.

     NPR’s Oct. 13 “News…

Jeff Poor | October 14, 2008

     A slowdown in the growth of the size of government is a good thing – except for those who look upon government as the only solution to societal woes.


     That was the perspective…

Matthew Balan | October 14, 2008

The liberal news media has subjected Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to intense scrutiny concerning her overall pro-life view on abortion, among other issues. On the other hand, they have been all but silent on Barack Obama's…

Jeff Poor | October 13, 2008

     The media have decided the economic distress helps Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama, Ill.


     Former ‘Nightly News’ and current “Meet the Press’ anchor Tom Brokaw…

Jeff Poor | October 13, 2008

     Government ownership of banks – it’s enough to make free-market capitalists cringe.


     However, CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer didn’t think “socialization” of banks was…

Lauren O'Reilly | October 13, 2008

     For anyone wary of government intervention in markets, CNN stoked your worries on Oct. 11.     "Your $$$$$" co-host Christine Romans called attention to the anxiety many people feel about the government's…

Jeff Poor | October 13, 2008

     American consumption is the root of the decline in U.S. power, according to billionaire George Soros.


     Soros was answering questions during a news conference at the World Bank…

Julia A. Seymour | October 10, 2008

     Reports of capitalism’s death have been greatly exaggerated by the news media.

     Take the Washington Post’s front-page “analysis” on Oct. 10 that warned the financial crisis “is claiming another casualty: American-style…

Jeff Poor | October 9, 2008

     Drastic times call for drastic measures and some of those measures were mentioned on CNBC immediately after the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) took a late session nose-dive to finish down 679 points, or roughly 7 percent.

Jeff Poor | October 9, 2008

     Capitalism works when parties make responsible business decisions. Just look at the First National Bank of Orwell in Orwell, Vt.


     “CBS Evening News” showcased fifth generation…