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Matt Philbin | November 11, 2008

     Just as the government was boosting its assistance to troubled insurance giant AIG, one of the networks ran another story criticizing an executive boondoggle that wasn’t an executive boondoggle.

     On ABC’s “Good Morning America…

Jeff Poor | November 11, 2008

     It’s either socialism or capitalism – don’t try to have it both ways, according CNBC “Fast Money” trader Jeff Macke.


     Macke, a regular on CNBC’s afternoon market wrap-up program…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 11, 2008

Editor, The Wonk Room

Dear Editor:

Regarding your most recent post boasting the faux-reasonable title "If It Happens, The Auto Industry Bailout Needs To Be Done Right" (Nov. 10): Piffle.

While it's true that some ways of…

Jeff Poor | November 10, 2008

     Economists generally frown upon raising taxes in times of an economic downturn. Historians point to President Herbert Hoover’s Revenue Act of 1932 as an example – “the largest – and most poorly timed – peacetime tax increase in American…

Jeff Poor | November 10, 2008

     Is a federal government rescue of General Motors do or die for the U.S. economy? With the automaker on the verge of collapse, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-Nev., say so, but Francesco…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 10, 2008

Editor, The Wall Street Journal

200 Liberty Street

New York, NY 10281

To the Editor:

Regarding "Nationalizing Detroit" (Nov. 10): How ironic is it that the gaggle of politicians now ascendant in Washington croak…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 10, 2008

Editor, Washington Post

1150 15th St., NW

Washington, DC 20071

Dear Editor:

AIG Senior Vice President Nicholas Ashooh isn't afraid of special pleading. He writes: "It's hard to understand why anyone would suggest that…

Julia A. Seymour | November 10, 2008

     The New York Times isn’t keeping it a secret that it wants President-elect Barack Obama to follow in the footsteps of progressive icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Two recent columns have called for Obama to promote a new…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 10, 2008

Dear Editor:

Commenting on the recent election of Barack Obama to the presidency, Ron Smith wisely counsels: "Don't expect much from next Great Man" (Nov. 8). Mr. Smith's wisdom causes me to reflect that America is divided into two groups…

Jeff Poor | November 7, 2008

     As President-elect Barack Obama sorts out his cabinet and determines who will guide policy through his administration, it’s probably a good thing New York Times columnist Paul Krugman isn’t on his short list.

     Krugman appeared…

Jeff Poor | November 7, 2008

     Oil – it’s often called the lifeblood of the American economy and when the prices are high, it takes its toll on the U.S. economy.


      These higher oil prices are often the…

Matt Philbin | November 7, 2008

     On questions of the state versus the private sector, The New York Times doesn’t usually come down on the side of business. But when a liberal social issue was at stake, the paper mustered sympathy for private enterprise…

Paul Detrick | November 7, 2008

     To market, to market to buy a fat bailout.

     “The government is doing what it can. They’ve learned the lessons of the 30s. And the lesson of the 30s was to put ideology aside and do whatever you can to bail it out,” New York…

Jeff Poor | November 7, 2008

     Glen Meert, a small business owner in Elkhart, Ind., has found himself – and his neighbors – thrust into the national spotlight. And it’s not for anything good.

     The national media have swarmed Elkhart in recent weeks, using…

Matt Philbin | November 6, 2008

     Although President-elect Barack Obama could surprise observers with an out-of-the-blue pick, the three men being bandied about as likely candidates for secretary of the treasury all share the same pro-regulation…

Nathan Burchfiel | November 6, 2008

     If at first you don’t succeed in convincing viewers global warming is a problem, try, try again. That must be the NBC “Today” show’s motto.

     The morning show crew announced Nov. 6 it will air the second annual “Ends of the…

Jeff Poor | November 6, 2008

     He’s President-elect Barack Obama’s new chief of staff, according to various Nov. 6 media reports, but Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., also has some baggage pertaining to the financial crisis. Will anyone in the media take…

Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D. | November 6, 2008

To the Editor:

Advocating universal health care, Steven Safyer, M.D., hopes that "the next administration will see the wisdom of acting — not just talking — so Americans get the care they deserve." (Letters, Nov. 6)

What evidence is…

Jeff Poor | November 6, 2008

     Love him or hate, CNBC’s Jim Cramer brings an interesting perspective to the debate about the fragile U.S. economy.


     On Nov. 5 the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money” detailed for his…

Robert Knight | November 6, 2008

The pundits are already at it, saying that conservatism is dead.

But Barack Obama and Joe Biden were elected in large part because they managed, in the face of all evidence, to run to the right of McCain-Palin.   
