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Jeff Poor | August 14, 2008

     Perhaps Charles Gibson was trying to vent on behalf of Americans paying higher prices at the pump. In an interview about record oil company profits August 13 on “World News,” Gibson pressed ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson on…

Jeff Poor | August 13, 2008

     The economic downturn has even affected the prettiest people – or those who aspire to be, according to CNN’s “American Morning” August 13.


     “With people cutting corners – there’…

Dan Gainor | August 13, 2008
     “Welcome to the four-day working week,” with apologies to Elvis Costello. That’s right, the four-day work week has arrived – at least according to the media and assorted politicians.     High gas prices have given way to a new kind of highway…

     It is not unusual for nations hosting the Olympic Games to orchestrate a false charm for visiting athletes and spectators, and most of all for the media. This typically extends to covering up graffiti and chasing the homeless from the…

BMI Staff | August 13, 2008
Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option Nuclear energy is a hot debate on the campaign trail today, but the network media dont have…
Julia A. Seymour | August 13, 2008

     It was 1979. Sony introduced its Walkman, the Garfield comic debuted and Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. That same year, musicians Jackson Browne, Carly Simon, Bruce Springsteen and others…

Jeff Poor | August 13, 2008

      Although he didn’t have a winning track record in presidential elections, 1972 Democratic presidential nominee and former South Dakota Sen. George McGovern had no problem critiquing the media for lack of substance.


Jeff Poor | August 13, 2008

     There’s a huge concern among conservative talk radio hosts that reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine would all-but destroy the industry due to equal time constraints. But speech limits might not stop at radio. They…

Dan Gainor | August 12, 2008

    It’s not often that you can point to The Washington Post as the voice of reason, but the paper has its moments. One such was the August 12 oil drilling editorial that debunks three major “‘truths’ masquerading as fact” about…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 11, 2008

     In spite of the media’s obsession with global warming, only 25 percent of Americans view climate change as the world’s biggest environmental threat, according to a new ABC News poll. Fewer than half – 47 percent – viewed…

Jeff Poor | August 9, 2008

     The mainsteam media continue to ignore the pro-oil-drilling protest by the House GOP. But Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., and one of the leaders of the protest, says it doesn’t matter.



Jeff Poor | August 8, 2008

     For decades, some on the left have decried the rise of the suburbs for everything from their impact on decentralizing big municipal governments to the impact longer commutes have on community and the environment. However, suburbs could be…

Jeff Poor | August 8, 2008

     It’s probably par for the course with this duo, but liberal MSNBC “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson rejected the view that the Republican congressional protest was having any impact.

Paul Detrick | August 7, 2008

     How do you make the foreclosure crisis seem even scarier? Add in a potentially deadly virus.

     CBS’s “The Early Show,” reported August 7 that a new stronger strain of the West Nile virus could spread across the country with help…

Jeff Poor | August 7, 2008

     It bothers some in the media that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, Ariz., has continued to ridicule his opponent’s suggestion that properly inflated tires “could save all the oil that they’re talking…

Jeff Poor | August 7, 2008

     Perhaps the near monopoly NBC will enjoy in broadcasting the Summer Olympics from China beginning August 8 has encouraged the network to be more kind to struggling American businesses.



Jeff Poor | August 6, 2008

     The high price of gas has driven down demand. Now politicians like Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty are worried gas taxes might not be able to fund infrastructure projects.



Dan Gainor | August 6, 2008
     Six years.      That’s how long it took for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac crisis to grow from warning sign to $25-billion bailout.       In most cases, six years is ample warning. We won WWII in less time. But when The Wall Street Journal compared…
Jeff Poor | August 6, 2008

     Since presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama suggested proper tire-inflation would compensate for all the oil that could be drawn from exploration and drilling, he has been subjected to ridicule by his Republican…

BMI Staff | August 6, 2008
Oil War: The Media Crusade Theres a super villain in the news and its not The Joker. Reporters on the broadcast networks and CNN battle the…