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Alexander Hall | February 17, 2020

In a country where the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the Democratic Party may be getting led astray by a small but vocal minority on social media.

A Pew Research Center study released February 3 found that “The political views…

Corinne Weaver | February 17, 2020

Instagram announced in May of 2019 that it would be fact-checking and “reducing distribution” for what it considered to be “disinformation.” Since then, it seems to be targeting pro-life content.

Brazilian third-…

Corinne Weaver | February 17, 2020

Twitter defines “sensitive content” as something that might contain “violence or nudity.” So why did a photo of a Nascar racer and the president get flagged by the platform as potentially sensitive content?


Joseph Vazquez | February 14, 2020

The left went bonkers on Twitter when news broke that Big Tech billionaire Larry Ellison was hosting a pro-Trump fundraiser at his estate.

Lefty outlet Vox Recode characterized the billionaire founder of Oracle Corporation's …

Alexander Hall | February 14, 2020

YouTube, once again, is doing everything it can to stop discussion about the alleged “whistleblower.”

YouTube removed a clip of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) of him speaking on the Senate floor, the National Review reported. In the…

Alexander Hall | February 13, 2020

The man whose complaints single handedly caused an entire adpocalypse on YouTube has returned to the platform to “flood its airwaves with leftist propaganda.”

Carlos Maza is leaving Vox to establish his own channel according…

Joseph Vazquez | February 13, 2020

You know politics have gotten weird when a liberal New York Times columnist begs Democrat voters to abandon Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in favor of nominating Michael Bloomberg to lead the Democratic ticket.

Times columnist Thomas L.…

Alexander Hall | February 13, 2020

How dangerous is a single tech-savvy conservative? Enough to politically divide Silicon Valley itself and get a CEO to rant about the future of “democracy.”

Digital Content Next CEO Jason Kint, in an article-filled tweetstorm…

Joseph Vazquez | February 13, 2020

Michael Bloomberg, who’s willing to spend $2 billion to beat President Donald Trump and spent more than $350 million plastering airwaves with his ads, is now paying people to plaster your Instagram accounts with terrible memes.


Corinne Weaver | February 13, 2020

Major social media platforms are removing Iranian disinformation and coordinated behavior from their platforms. But Republicans don’t think that’s enough.

Four Republican senators wrote a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on…

Alexander Hall | February 12, 2020

The British government may be free from Europe thanks to Brexit, but it appears to be sliding into authoritarianism as it drafts regulations to crack down on freedom of speech.

Ofcom, the United Kingdom’s media watchdog, according…

Corinne Weaver | February 12, 2020

A wealthy billionaire tech CEO has endorsed the economically irresponsible concept of a universal basic income. Unfortunately for him, its advocate Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has dropped out of the race.

Twitter head…

Joseph Vazquez | February 12, 2020

The liberal director of The Washington Post-touting film The Post (2017) Steven Spielberg has not kept silent about his disdain for President Donald Trump, and neither has his wallet.

Liberal filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate…

Joseph Vazquez | February 11, 2020

When billionaire President Donald Trump is successful in the social media game, the left either accuse him of Big Tech collaboration or want to censor him.

Yet when billionaire Democratic presidential candidate and owner of Bloomberg News…

Alexander Hall | February 11, 2020

Far-left media outlet The Young Turks launched a new project to train a new generation of liberals to dominate local media -- all funded by Big Tech giant YouTube and its owner, Google.

Axios announced that the Cenk Uygur-founded…

Corinne Weaver | February 11, 2020

Amazon has decided to quietly crack down on books it deems offensive. But the company’s enforcement of standards seems lopsided at best.

The New York Times reported that third-party booksellers on Amazon have been forbidden from…

Corinne Weaver | February 10, 2020

Twitter bans accounts for transphobia and won’t allow pro-life organizations to run ads on its platform. But a cartoon encouraging terrorism is apparently allowed to spread.

The video, tweeted out by a pro-Palestine account, depicts…

Alexander Hall | February 10, 2020
When actor/comedian Sacha Baron Cohen blasted Facebook, world famous industrialist Elon Musk was quick to support him.   Cohen, known for his prankster Borat role, slammed Facebook and its founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a Feb. 5 tweet. He…
Joseph Vazquez | February 10, 2020

Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10, that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall.

The outlet used its reporting (…

Corinne Weaver | February 10, 2020

President Donald Trump tweeted an edited video that showed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi repeatedly tearing up the State of the Union speech, with other clips of the president’s successes pieced in the video.

Democrats were…