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Alexander Hall | March 2, 2020

Conservative leaders spoke at a game-changing panel about how the movement will take on Big Tech censorship.

Donald Trump, Jr., House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) blasted Bich Tech bias at a Feb 28…

Corinne Weaver | March 2, 2020

Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey is not popular with a wealthy investor, who is allegedly seeking to make changes at the company.

Elliott Management Corp., an investment company run by prominent Republican billionaire Paul Singer, has…

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2020

In liberal billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s attempt to buy the White House, recent data show that he’s averaging tens of millions of dollars spent plastering the airwaves and the internet with ads.

Alexander Hall | February 28, 2020

After a brief controversy where the viral video app TikTok censored and reinstated a pro-life organization, the platform has allowed a viral video showing young women seemingly giddy about abortion.

Live Action founder Lila Rose blasted…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2020

Despite Michael Bloomberg’s unprecedented spending, his billionaire rival Tom Steyer has “nearly tripled the rest of the field combined in TV and digital ad spending in South Carolina through mid-February,” according to The…

Alexander Hall | February 28, 2020

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that YouTube may censor whomever it chooses, and is not bound by the First Amendment.

The ruling in Prager University v. Google dealt a blow to PragerU’s cause this past Wednesday,…

Alexander Hall | February 27, 2020

Worried about the rise of socialism? The Big Tech oligarchs over at Twitter don’t appear to be.

Despite a Twitter rule which states that the platform will censor accounts for using “hateful symbol[s],” a Twitter…

Joseph Vazquez | February 27, 2020

The lefty co-star of the third installment in the Nightmare on Elm Street series is apparently trying to help force a nightmare on Wall Street.

Patricia Arquette felt it worthy of the #RESIST movement to summon her inner Bill Maher and…

Corinne Weaver | February 27, 2020

Twitter censored an account known for sharing videos from Wuhan showing scenes of a city on lockdown during the coronavirus.

Harry Chen PhD, whose now-suspended account had 35,000 followers and claimed to live in China on his bio, had…

Alexander Hall | February 26, 2020

Prominent liberal Google critic Dr. Robert Epstein wrote an op-ed warning that Big Tech companies can rig the 2020 election and “make the Russians look like rank amateurs.”

“President Donald Trump can’t win the…

Corinne Weaver | February 26, 2020

Google in collaboration with Jigsaw is developing tools to measure subjective content online and rate it on a value scale. And scientists are taking it seriously.

A study done by eight academics from various universities together in the…

Corinne Weaver | February 26, 2020

A trillion-dollar company could be in trouble for copyright infringement, according to a lawsuit from tech company Oracle.

Oracle, a technology company known for its database management systems, has been embroiled in a legal battle with…

Joseph Vazquez | February 26, 2020

The liberal billionaire owner of Bloomberg News has spent less than one percent of his total net worth and has still topped a half-billion dollars in spending in an attempt to buy his way into the White House.

2020 Democratic presidential…

Corinne Weaver | February 26, 2020

For the second time, tech companies Apple and TikTok have declined to testify -- this time at a March 4 Senate hearing.

“This is a troubling pattern,” wrote Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Twitter. “What are they hiding?…

Alexander Hall | February 25, 2020

A 19-year-old German woman is being hailed as the conservative response to climate change activist Greta Thunberg. She has condemned climate alarmism as a “despicably anti-human ideology,” and liberal journos are heated about it…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2020

The liberal Spanish-media giant Univision has been sold. Media executive Wade Davis is heading up a private group to buy a majority stake in the company and will be its new CEO.

Davis has given $8,300 to Democrat politicians since 2007…

Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2020

Update: A Twitter spokesperson informed the MRC that the tweet had been censored in error. The filter has since been removed. 

Twitter apparently considers direct quotes from Bernie Sanders about Castro and Cuba too “sensitive…

Joseph Vazquez | February 25, 2020

When apparent hoaxer Empire actor Jussie Smollett’s charges were controversially dropped last year for allegedly faking a hate crime incident, the twitter page for the Empire writers rubbed it in everyone’s faces.

Now, liberal…

Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2020

Reddit will once again crack down on users and communities it considers undesirable.

Buried in Reddit’s 2019 Transparency Report was a concerning update to its policies. Users who consistently upvote “policy-breaking content…

Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2020

The First Amendment covers freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But what if someone’s religion does not allow homosexuality?

Facebook apparently deems that kind of speech to be “hate speech.” When the founder of…