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Alexander Hall | March 11, 2020

Twitter has reportedly censored the journalist who exposed YouTube’s favorite champagne socialist. 

YouTuber Carlos Maza, whom The New York Times has described as a “New York-based socialist,” has told his viewers…

Alexander Hall | March 10, 2020

Facebook labeled a video shared by President Donald Trump of former VP Joe Biden stammering as “partly false information” after the Joe Biden campaign and liberal media condemned the platform.

Former Vice President Biden was…

Joseph Vazquez | March 10, 2020

Well, that certainly did not go as planned.

NeverTrumper and “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson made a sorry attempt to play gotcha over the coronavirus-induced market dip March 9, by sharing a tweet the same…

Alexander Hall | March 9, 2020

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted Facebook for enabling disinformation while using the mainstream liberal media to misinform viewers.

Clinton condemned Facebook, claiming the platform “aided and abetted…

Alexander Hall | March 9, 2020

An embarrassing clip of Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden stammering during a speech has been spun by liberal media as “manipulated media.”

Former Vice President Biden was caught on video seemingly endorsing…

Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2020

Looks like the liberal blowhard HBO comedian Bill Maher may be getting his wish.

Maher had been begging for a market crash and recession to occur in hopes it would oust President Donald Trump from the White House. In 2018, he sniped,…

Alexander Hall | March 6, 2020

Twitter has once again expanded its idea of “hateful conduct.” Wouldn’t it be easier for Twitter to let people know what handful of jokes are still okay in the current year?

Twitter’s company blog announced the…

Alexander Hall | March 6, 2020

A liberal journalist blasted Facebook until it removed certain Trump campaign ads as the 2020 Census approaches.

Founding Editor-in-Chief of the now defunct outlet Think Progress Judd Legum scorched Facebook for “running more than 1…

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2020

Leave it to the liberal media to take the good news of the February jobs report and try to throw cold water on it as quickly as possible by pounding on coronavirus fears.

MSNBC's Maddow Blog, NBC News, The New York Times and The…

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2020

As if the Big Tech video game industry wasn’t liberal enough, now Soros has bought $45 million worth of shares in one of its biggest contenders.

Liberal billionaire George Soros has reportedly purchased “758,000 shares, which…

Joseph Vazquez | March 5, 2020

General Motors (GM) recently announced it was investing billions into a new eco-friendly “electric car” initiative to compete with the tech giant Tesla in an effort to go green, and tech media outlets are touting the change.

Alexander Hall | March 5, 2020

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has led a crusade against the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok, and now he has reportedly proposed legislation to ban federal workers from using it on their government-issued devices.

Hawley dropped the…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2020

The Verge’s tech survey has a few big takeaways: Americans are skeptical of Facebook, want Big Tech broken up, and seemingly say Twitter is a menace to society.

The Verge has conducted surveys, starting with “the hangover of…

Joseph Vazquez | March 4, 2020

Liberal billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer spent over $1 billion in their attempt to oust President Donald Trump from office, an effort that began even before their 2020 presidential campaigns.

In fact, it began when Steyer…

Alexander Hall | March 4, 2020

The New York Times sees YouTube purges as a start, but still not good enough.

“YouTube’s efforts to curb conspiracy theories pose a major test of Silicon Valley’s ability to combat misinformation,” The Times…

Alexander Hall | March 3, 2020

YouTube has been overhauling its policies, and one result is clear: chances to successfully appeal your content once it has been removed are slim.

In YouTube’s latest Community Guidelines enforcement report spanning from Oct. to Dec…

Corinne Weaver | March 3, 2020

Facebook covers posts and news stories that have been fact-checked and found false. While this policy has affected conservative media outlets, it hasn’t appeared to affect the liberal media as much.

Until now.

A Politico…

Joseph Vazquez | March 3, 2020

So how did that March 2, “economic shutdown” work out for actress Patricia Arquette?

Just recently, the lefty star took to Instagram to call on her 146,000 followers to cause an “economic shut down” on March 2, by…

Alexander Hall | March 2, 2020

Google critic Dr. Robert Epstein warned of Big Tech’s potential for abuse in elections -- and apparently Americans are beginning to heed his concerns.

Both Republicans and Democrats appear to agree that Big Tech will be unable to…

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2020

To most people throughout human history, more people consuming meat would be an unquestionable good. Inexpensive and readily obtained sources of protein and calories ease the daily struggle to keep body and soul together. But this is 2020, and…