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Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2020

Reddit will once again crack down on users and communities it considers undesirable.

Buried in Reddit’s 2019 Transparency Report was a concerning update to its policies. Users who consistently upvote “policy-breaking content…

Corinne Weaver | February 25, 2020

The First Amendment covers freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But what if someone’s religion does not allow homosexuality?

Facebook apparently deems that kind of speech to be “hate speech.” When the founder of…

Alexander Hall | February 24, 2020

Can Bloomberg’s money hack the election? Twitter moderators would disagree.

Twitter reportedly suspended 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts this past Friday for engaging in “platform manipulation.” For all of former New York City…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2020

Liberal billionaire Warren Buffett, who’s been fairly quiet this election cycle, took to CNBC to weigh in on the Democratic primary races. As it turns out, even The Billion-Dollar King of Abortion found self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie…

Alexander Hall | February 24, 2020

Google has bought its way into health care through fitness tracking. Is the European Union (E.U.) right to call foul?

Both U.S. and E.U. regulators are wary of Google’s $2.1 billion purchase of fitness tracking company Fitbit last…

Corinne Weaver | February 24, 2020

The liberal media sees working with President Donald Trump or Republicans as a black mark on one’s reputation. For The Washington Post, having a handful of Republican employees means that Facebook fears Trump and the GOP.

The result…

Alexander Hall | February 21, 2020

About 300 Oracle employees have staged a virtual walkout over their founder and chairman’s support for President Donald Trump.

Oracle employees were outraged when they found out that Big Tech billionaire Larry Ellison was hosting a…

Joseph Vazquez | February 21, 2020

Contribution records appear to show that the newly hired heads of the National Public Radio Foundation and National Public Radio (NPR) are liberal partisans. So why does NPR continue to receive taxpayer funding?

The new Chair of the NPR…

Corinne Weaver | February 21, 2020

Democrat candidate and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg tweeted a humorous video of his performance during the February 19 debate. Liberal journalists wanted the video taken down.

“There is no doubt that these videos are…

Corinne Weaver | February 21, 2020

An automated service will no longer label people as male or female, according to a report from Business Insider.

Google's Cloud Vision API, a “computer vision” product that has the ability to “[a]ssign labels to…

Alexander Hall | February 20, 2020

A leaked demo revealed a new system that may change the way Twitter users get information on the platform.

NBC News reports Twitter confirmed a leaked demo of upcoming anti-“misinformation” features, reported NBC News. The…

Joseph Vazquez | February 20, 2020

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe distorted an Axios report on President Donald Trump’s economy to credit former president Barack Obama.

The show ran a segment defending Obama’s tweet congratulating himself for…

Alexander Hall | February 19, 2020

Facebook’s plans for regulating Big Tech have not met the expectations of some bigwigs in EU leadership.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg toured Brussels earlier this week, meeting with press and politicians and also publishing a white…

Corinne Weaver | February 19, 2020

In his introductory statement made to the Department of Justice Section 230 Workshop, Attorney General William Barr discussed the problems brought on by the rise of Big Tech.

“No longer are tech companies the underdog upstarts,…

Alexander Hall | February 19, 2020

Facebook is finding some forms of government regulation to be too much for the company, even as CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls for more of it.

Facebook has been "legally compelled," according to Bloomberg News, by the government of…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2020

Poor Paul Krugman. He’s been reduced to using zombie metaphors to illustrate his disdain for certain “centrist” Democratic presidential candidates.

Krugman wrote Feb. 17 that “sometimes zombie ideas also manage to…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is willing to spend $2 billion to defeat President Donald Trump, and he continues to put his money where his mouth is.

Advertising Analytics, which provides…

Alexander Hall | February 18, 2020

The fate of free speech on the internet could be discussed at an upcoming discussion hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

The News Media Alliance (NMA), a thousands-strong coalition of U.S. news organizations, is criticizing…

Alexander Hall | February 18, 2020

The origin of the coronavirus is still being debated, but Twitter has responded to one skeptic outlet by censoring it.

The ZeroHedge founder reportedly, under the pseudonym Tyler Durden, asked “Is This The Man Behind The Global…

Joseph Vazquez | February 18, 2020

No wonder liberal billionaire 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg does not want his own news outlet investigating him. They might have to do journalism and risk exposing where his money has been going all these years.

The liberal New York…