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Alexander Hall | January 31, 2020

What will be the deciding factor in Senate impeachment trial? How badly do the senators wish to go home, theorized Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

In an episode of the Verdict with Ted Cruz podcast titled “A Day in the Life” on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 30, 2020

Forget that embarrassing CNN segment with Don Lemon, “Republican political strategist” Rick Wilson and contributor Wajahat Ali laughing like hyenas over Wilson’s insulting “Boomer Rube” comment against Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | January 29, 2020

Just when you think today’s politics couldn’t get any more nuts, liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg decided to promote “Big Gay Ice Cream.”

The company being promoted, Big Gay Ice Cream…

Joseph Vazquez | January 27, 2020

Is it really a surprise that a liberal billionaire who spent $120 million on a “Need to Impeach” campaign is touting impeachment?

Fox News reported Jan. 24, that “[2020 Democratic presidential candidate] Tom Steyer weighed in on the…

Alexander Hall | January 27, 2020

One of the internet’s foremost tech journalists has tried to call out one of Trump’s tweets as potentially “problematic” and also blasted the GOP on impeachment.

Recode co-founder and New York Times contributor…

Alexander Hall | January 24, 2020

Is Twitter’s leadership offended by babies and young families?

Twitter’s warning used to keep viewers from unknowingly seeing inappropriate videos was censoriously applied to a Trump campaign pro-life promo. With Trump…

Alexander Hall | January 23, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has announced a podcast where he and his co-host will discuss the latest updates on the Senate impeachment trial.

Cruz tweeted the announcement of his new podcast Verdict on January 22. He explained that it…

Joseph Vazquez | January 23, 2020

The Washington Post’s “conservative blogger” Jennifer Rubin is at it again. This time she’s saying that liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg could help Democrats by using his vast wealth to support impeaching President…

Alexander Hall | January 22, 2020

One Big Tech company has embraced the opportunity to cash in on the impeachment proceedings.  From breath freshening “Impeachmints” and “National Embarassmints” to anti-Trump scented candles and shirts, Amazon appears to be making money…

Corinne Weaver | January 22, 2020

Two conservative outlets have complained that their livestreams of the Senate impeachment trial have been taken down—for no apparent reason.

Judicial Watch’s president, Tom Fitton, noted that the organization’s…

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate and Bloomberg News owner Michael Bloomberg said he’d have to “swallow two or three times” before he would “vote to convict” President Donald Trump.

But that may…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

Liberal billionaire 2020 Democratic candidate and owner of Bloomberg News Michael Bloomberg weighed in on the liberal media-driven impeachment drama.

Bloomberg told MSNBC’s Craig Melvin on NBC's "Today Show" on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2020

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Jan. 16 that President Donald Trump broke the law when he withheld aid from Ukraine. The union for that “independent, nonpartisan” agency naturally supports Democrats. Just don’t…

Alexander Hall | January 20, 2020

Twitter has booted conservatives and liberals for citing facts, but it goes out of its way to bring back blatant anti-Semitism.

Reclaim The Net observed that Rev. Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam, was today…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2020

President Donald Trump’s economy continues to fly in the face of the liberal media and their recession hype.

A new Jan. 17 report by CNBC showed that “U.S. homebuilding surged to a 13-year high [16.9%] in December as activity…

Alexander Hall | January 17, 2020

Facebook has taken some free speech stances that drew heavy criticism from fellow Big Tech companies, liberal commentators, and now the Democratic primary frontrunner.

Former Vice President Joe Biden told The New York Times editorial…

Joseph Vazquez | January 17, 2020

Consumer confidence is the highest its been in nearly 20 years. And yet, a recent MRC analysis showed that liberal media networks only gave President Donald Trump’s economy less than one percent coverage on their evening newscasts over a…

Alexander Hall | January 16, 2020

If it wasn’t scary enough being monitored by random strangers, a former Microsoft contractor reportedly claimed some private calls could have been accessed by the Chinese government!

An anonymous former Microsoft contractor came…

Joseph Vazquez | January 16, 2020

It’s no question MSNBC has been begging for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. So, how does MSNBC legal analyst Jill Wine-Banks handle the issue of impeachment? By giving money to a Democratic Party House member who would later…

Alexander Hall | January 15, 2020

Reddit’s leadership has declared war on “bad actors who are trying to manipulate Reddit.”

In a Thursday post to the Reddit Security subforum titled “Updates to Our Policy Around Impersonation,” Reddit…