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Twitter bans accounts for transphobia and won’t allow pro-life organizations to run ads on its platform. But a cartoon encouraging terrorism is apparently allowed to spread.

The video, tweeted out by a pro-Palestine account, depicts a terrorist shooting up an Israeli shopping mall. The cartoon depicts a young man watching a security guard at an Israeli mall. The flag of Israel is perched atop the building. The young man notices the changing of the guards, and films it on his phone. Later, he goes out to buy clothes and dresses as a security guard in his room.

Disguised as a security guard, the young man sits on a bench across from the Israeli mall and waits. He then walks up, kills the security guard with his own club, and runs into the mall, shooting at people coming and going. The video then ends with a focus on Arabic script. Google Translate found that the hashtag in English translates to “The Intifada is continuing.”

The Arabic account tweeted the video out with the same hashtag. The bio of the account translates to (according to Google Translate): “Palestinian writer and analyst interested in Palestinian affairs.”


An alleged Israeli Twitter account found the video and reported it to Twitter. Several of her followers also reported the video.

This was then retweeted by the founder of the Adam & Gila Milstein Foundation, Adam Milstein. He tweeted, “Disgusting incitement to violence against Jews on social media. @Twitter remove this immediately!”

While Twitter previously banned Hamas as a terrorist group, Hamas has seemingly started a new Twitter account, IRM-Palestine. Twitter’s terrorism policy states, “There is no place on Twitter for terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups and individuals who affiliate with and promote their illicit activities.”
