Joe Biden

User posted the Biden meme and got a suspension. It was resolved quickly.
Dan Ornelas
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored.
Brian NJ
User tweeted the Biden meme and got a 12 hour suspension.
User received a 12 hour suspension for posting the Joe Biden meme. User's account has since been restored.
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 23 and was locked out of his account. He has yet to be able to regain access to his account.
Thomas Jr
User's account was locked after tweeting the Joe Biden meme, and asking if it was a joke. Account has since been restored.
Mindy Robinson
User posted the Joe Biden meme, saying she couldn't tell if it was satire or not, and was suspended for it. Account has since been restored.
User tweeted the Biden meme and was suspended.
Dinosaur Hunter
Twitter censors Joe Biden meme for being misleading information about voting: A Twitter user posted the Joe Biden, "His brain? No, his heart" meme on April 22. The following day, Twitter locked his…
User posted the Joe Biden meme and got a temporary suspension. Account has since been restored.
@OfficialAPoD reported that @BadCripple received a 12 hour suspension for the Biden meme.
Veronica McShane
Another user (@ThunderlipsJoe) reported on Twitter that this user, Veronica McShane, had her post of the Biden collage removed from Facebook for violating community standards. I am not using a…
User got a 12 hour suspension for posting the Biden meme.
Backwoods Backdoor
User posted the Biden meme and "got banned a second after I hit send." 12 hour suspension resolved normally.
Only Anarchists
User was suspended after posting the Biden meme on April 23. Was told it would be a 12 hour suspension, but was unable to regain access to his account until June 26
Luke OBX
User reported his account was locked (not suspended) for posting the Biden meme.
Bryan Fry
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 23 and account was suspended. User has yet, as of June 30, to be able to regain access to this account.
Minarchy Now
User posted the Biden meme and got a 12 hour suspension
User's account got suspended after posting the Biden meme.
IR Bored
User tweeted, in response to a post about the disappearing Biden memes, "You know what? fuck it, this is a hell site anyway." He then included the Biden meme. While it was not deleted and he was not…