Joe Biden

User reported via his other account @mckillme__ that his @mckeytee account was locked out for 2 months after tweeting the Biden meme on or around April 24. He has never gone back to the old…
User tweeted the Biden meme on or around April 24 and was instantly suspended. 
User's account was suspended for 12 hours for tweeting the Biden meme. Did not say when it happened so I put in April 24.
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 24 and was suspended until April 30. Was originally told it would be a 12 hour suspension, but got locked into a loop where his appeal screen would not clear, and…
User posted the Biden meme and was locked out of his account. Was quickly restored.
Revelation 19:10
User posted Biden meme on or around April 24 and was given a 12 hour suspension. Users account is now disabled and I am unable to verify how many followers he has/had. However, the account seems to…
User posted Biden meme on June 24 and was subsequently suspended for 2 months.
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored.
User tweeted using his @Coach_JIB account that one of this other accounts was insta-suspended for posting the Biden meme. I have been unable to find out what account that was or when, so I put April…
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored and the tweets are still in the user's feed. User has another account, @ConStar69509251 which uses…
Mario from home
User's account was suspended immediately after posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored. 
New Media Matt
User tweeted the Biden meme under his account, @NewMedia_Matt2 and got suspended. He then got into a loop where he removed the tweet but Twitter kept insisting that he delete the tweet and he could…
Voodoo Pork
User tweeted the Joe Biden meme, and was subsequently alerted that their account had been locked. The message stated that in order to unlock the account, the offending tweet must be deleted. However…
Ethan Shum
User tweeted the Biden meme and was suspended for it.
User tweeted the Biden meme. He then claims that "every single account I own" was "completely locked." Unclear which account it was that tweeted the meme, and what all his accounts were that got…
John Cardillo
User posted Joe Biden meme and received a temporary suspension as a result. His account has since been restored.
Christian Michael
User posted Biden meme on or around April 23 and was suspended until May 28. User claims he was shadow banned for another month after that. 
User tweeted the Biden meme and was suspended for 12 hours.
Jack Joseph
User posted Joe Biden meme. Account was suspended, and tweet was deleted by Twitter. Account has since been restored.
User reported that he, a liberal, posted the Biden meme and got suspended.