Joe Biden

User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Joe Biden meme. It has since been restored.
Nalgas Gueras
User tried posting the Biden meme after hearing it was getting people locked and suspended as a test, and his account was subsequently locked for it.
User reported via his other account @mckillme__ that his @mckeytee account was locked out for 2 months after tweeting the Biden meme on or around April 24. He has never gone back to the old…
User tweeted the Biden meme on or around April 24 and was instantly suspended. 
User's account was suspended for 12 hours for tweeting the Biden meme. Did not say when it happened so I put in April 24.
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 24 and was suspended until April 30. Was originally told it would be a 12 hour suspension, but got locked into a loop where his appeal screen would not clear, and…
User posted the Biden meme and was locked out of his account. Was quickly restored.
Revelation 19:10
User posted Biden meme on or around April 24 and was given a 12 hour suspension. Users account is now disabled and I am unable to verify how many followers he has/had. However, the account seems to…
Danny Hellman
User tweeted Biden meme and his account got suspended. He had to create a backup account, where he reported the infraction from. 
Michael Alberto
User tweeted the Biden meme on or around April 24 and was instantly suspended by Twitter.
Jan Halper-Hayes
User tweeted the Biden meme, on or around April 24, saying "with an ad like this do we need to worry?" and her account was locked out. "5 weeks later I got into @Biz_Shrink More than 2000 of my…
Geddy Vedder
User reported quote tweeting the Biden Meme from another user, adding a joke about Biden needing a pacemaker to it. User reported that this tweet mysteriously disappeared after he posted it.
User's account was suspended after posting the Biden meme around April 23 or 24. He was only able to get back into his account on June 1.
Eddie BusQetti
User reported on July 14 that the Biden meme had gotten his Twitter account locked six times. I am unable to confirm dates of incidents, so am putting in April 24 as the most likely first occurrence…
Somewhere USA
User posted the Biden meme and "got instantly put in timeout 12 hrs."
User posted the Biden meme and received a 12 hour suspension.
User's account was temporarily suspended for posting the Biden meme. I do not know the date he posted so used April 24, when the majority of the violations occurred. 
QAnon Report
User reported that Twitter "tried to lock my account for tweeting about" the Biden meme. A locked account can sometimes be recovered immediately. Most postings of Biden meme got a 12 hour lockout,…
User reported on Twitter that Facebook suspended her account for 24 hours for posting a seemingly doctored pic of Biden standing behind a woman giving a speech, whispering in her ear and with his…
User tweeted the Biden meme. His account got suspended for a month before he was able to get back into it.