CensorTrack Database

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21 21
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7 7
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Displaying 4241 - 4260 of 7980
Fox News
YouTube censored a Fox News video of Laura Ingraham interviewing former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on the war in Ukraine: YouTube censored a Fox News video of host Laura Ingraham conducting an…
Brian Noone
Facebook fact checks gas prices post: A user told CensorTrack that his post was fact-checked by Facebook and labeled as "missing context." The post included a graph tracking gas prices since…
Randy Hillier
Twitter permanently suspends Ontario MPP for violating COVID-19 misinformation policy: Twitter permanently suspended Randy Hillier, an independent and Member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament (MPP…
Kathy Gyngell
Twitter places a sharing restriction on editor of The Conservative Woman after she tweets a story about Ivermectin: Kathy Gyngell, editor of the British publication The Conservative Woman,…
Michael Senger
Twitter suspends attorney Michael Senger's account for a tweet slamming COVID-19 policies: Twitter has suspended the account of San Francisco attorney Michael Senger for a tweet that…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Brittany Hughes Show about how Americans shouldn't forget extreme COVID-19 measures: MRCTV managing editor Brittany Hughes slammed left-wing politicians for acting…
Christy James Moser
Facebook censors user over comment about easy to make breakfast options: In another case of a ridiculous Facebook algorithm unable to discern any context whatsoever, a Twitter user shared a…
Twitter censors user for wishing heartburn on Robert Griffin III: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted, "@RGIII I hope you get heartburn for an entire day…
Kim Sussex
Twitter suspends user for saying that transwomen are men: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of the censorship notice she received on her other account. She had tweeted "And trans women are…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Reality Check with Brittany Hughes about high crime rates in liberal run cities: MRCTV managing editor Brittany Hughes criticized left-wing politicians who claim…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Katie Moon doing a TikTok trend and acknowledging concerns about President Joe Biden's health: In a TikTok video, MRCTV video producer Katie Moon did a TikTok…
Lynne Clark
Twitter censors user for saying that "trans women" are men: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "No it doesn't, it has no purpose other than to fracture the…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's "Things That Need to Be Said with Nick Kangadis" talking about the U.S. Health Department's supply of crackpipes: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to…
Facebook restricts user from sharing link to popular puzzle website Octordle: Entrepreneuer Tamar Weinberg shared a snapshot on Twitter showing that Facebook had allegedly restricted her from…
Jack H.
Twitter censored a user who contradicted the transgender narrative: A user told CensorTrack that he tweeted "@nypost There's no such thing as "trans." Stop celebrating mental illness, and STOP…
Tommy Williford
Facebook censors user for expressing frustration at growing mint: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. The user had posted: "If anyone ever tells you to…
YouTube suspended MRCTV for 2 weeks after it posted an episode of The Brittany Hughes Show podcast discussing censored COVID-19 content: In a recent episode of her podcast, MRCTV managing editor…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's "Things That Need to Be Said with Nick Kangadis" talking about Dr. Anthony Fauci's lost credibility: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to Be Said…
Preston Ferris
Facebook censors user for sharing unbelief at the gas prices in Canada: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He had posted: "189.9 a liter lololol Canadians are…
Alexandra Marshall
Twitter censors post asking for accountability over myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines: A Twitter user tweeted: "How many people have to die from Myocarditis before they admit these #Covid19…