TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's "Things That Need to Be Said with Nick Kangadis" talking about the U.S. Health Department's supply of crackpipes: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to Be Said," MRCTV Blogger/On-Air Host Nick Kangadis talked about the Dept. of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration "FY 2022 Harm Reduction Program Grant," which included funding for "Safe smoking kits/supplies," according to the grant announcement. "Well folks, it's official. It's now perfectly legal to use taxpayer money to fund your son's crack addiction," he said. Kangadis later added "apparently this grant program is part of the Democrats 'rescue plan' supposedly to further push their 'racial equity' cause nothing says rescue like stealing from the tax payers to subsidize an illegal activity. And they are partially doing this to cut down on transferrable diseases and we all know by now how good the government is at doing that." TikTok rejected MRCTV's appeal.

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