CensorTrack Database

7,982 Documented Cases
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Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
31 31
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
21 21
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7 7
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7 7
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Displaying 3761 - 3780 of 7982
Stephanie Winn
Twitter censors user for explaining that it is not a "human right" for transgender people to self-diagnose: Conservative journalist Colin Wright shared a screenshot of a censorship notice for a…
Imago Dei
Twitter censors user for sarcastically suggesting that all trans people be aborted to save them suffering: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. In an effort to sarcastically…
Dan Gilham
Twitter censors user for calling trans people mentally ill: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Trans women are mentally ill men. Until that's…
Twitter prevents alternative social network Minds from running ad: Minds, an "open source network dedicated to internet freedom," shared a screenshot from Twitter denying the alternative platform the…
Eric Greitens
Twitter restricts Senate candidate Eric Greitens' 'RINO Hunting' campaign ad: Twitter applied a label to Missouri senate candidate Eric Greitens' recent campaign ad. In the video, Greitens is seen…
Eric Greitens
Facebook removes Senate candidate Eric Greitens' 'RINO hunting' ad: Facebook removed a campaign video by Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens for reportedly violating the platform's policies…
Jerry Chandler
Facebook removes socialism political cartoon: Facebook removed a user's political cartoon about socialism and the economy. The platform claimed that "certain kinds of posts about suicide or self-…
Slack bans Federation for American Immigration Reform: Slack banned immigration restrictionist group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) as reported by American Greatness and The…
TikTok restricts Young America's foundation: TikTok restricted Young America's Foundation for at least a day for unknown reasons. According to TikTok notification history that the organization sent…
Mythinformed MKE
Twitter suspends popular Mythinformed Milwaukee account under cover of flimsy copyright claim: Mythinformed Milwaukee is a nonprofit organization whose stated goal is "promoting…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Nick Kangadis talking about the intelligence (or lack thereof) in the Biden administration: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to Be Said," MRCTV…
TikTok removed Young America's Foundation video about the transgender movement: Young America's Foundation (YAF) posted a video on TikTok from a YAF event with Ben Shaprio. According to the…
TikTok bans MRCTV: TikTok banned the Media Research Center's video division from its platform without notice. The platform gave no specific reason for the ban. The platform had restricted MRCTV'…
Alex Gutentag
Twitter censors writer Alex Gutentag for citing information also included in Pfizer news release: Twitter claimed writer Alex Gutentag's COVID-19 tweet was "misleading." According to the purported…
Twitter censors user for saying trans people have a mental illness: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "There is no such thing as 'trans.' No amount of…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Wacky M.O.L.E. with Eric Scheiner: TikTok removed a clip of MRCTV's original show "Wacky M.O.L.E,"  titled "Sanctimonious Media Preaches On God, Guns And ‘…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's Nick Kangadis talking about why he is proud to be straight: In a clipped episode of his show "Things That Need to Be Said," MRCTV Blogger/On-Air Host Nick Kangadis…
TikTok removes clip of MRCTV's "Reality Check" about the left forcing transgender ideology on children: In a TikTok clip of her show "Reality Check," MRCTV managing editor Brittany Hughes called out…
Doug Conger
Facebook censors user for a political cartoon about socialism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He had posted a political cartoon showing a guy trying to stick a…
YouTube Removes Jan. 6 Committee Clip: Not ‘Sufficient Context’ Gabriela Pariseau YouTube has shown time and time again that it won’t allow users to post about Jan. 6 or the 2020 election unless…