Mythinformed MKE
Case #

Twitter suspends popular Mythinformed Milwaukee account under cover of flimsy copyright claimMythinformed Milwaukee is a nonprofit organization whose stated goal is "promoting viewpoint diversity in the social and political landscape." The organization recently shared a video on Twitter that landed its account a suspension. The video contained man-on-the-street interviews with attendees of a Pride March who were defending both the exposure of children to the adult themes on display by marchers as well as the exploitation of children performing in drag. The organization's tweet, culled from comments included in the accompanying video, read: "Pride March goer defends the practice of drag kids getting tips by citing 'it's a thing in drag culture, it's the same thing you do with strippers.' Another attendee defends public BDSM in full view of children: 'I'm down for the kink with kids.'" The first comment was a specific reference to child drag queen "Desmond is Amazing," and the video editor included an image of the child taken from a news story, according to the organization's GiveSendGo fundraising post. The post indicates that the mother of the minor-aged drag queen claimed that she owns the copyright to all images of her child and that the use of the image taken from The Guardian was a violation of her copyright. Twitter seemed to agree, removing the video and placing a notice that it violated copyright, and subsequently suspending the @MythinformedMKE account. The organization argues that use of the image falls within the bounds of copyright law's "fair use" exception, and it has retained the services of a lawyer to fight the suspension. 

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