Facebook fact-checkers flag episode of MRCTV's Reality Check about Fauci emails from as 'partly false': Facebook Fact-Checker Science Feedback flagged an episode of MRCTV's Reality Check with Brittany Hughes for supposed "inaccurate and misleading statements made in the video," according to email discussions the MRC had with the Science Feedback team. In the video Hughes called out Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony Fauci for knowing all along that masks were ineffective at stopping the viral transmission of COVID-19. This was made known following the release of emails sent to, and from, Dr. Fauci through a Freedom of Information Act request. "Turns out that Fauci knew all along that masks didn’t really work," Hughes remarked in her video. "In an early email sent last spring, [Fauci] told his colleagues not to bother wearing store-bought masks because they weren’t very effective at stopping the spread of germs and that there was no really good reason for healthy people to wear them at all." Science Feedback rationalized its bogus fact-check to the MRC by accusing Hughes herself of claiming that masks don't work. "Hughes is claiming that masks don’t work at stopping the spread of germs. We’ve explained in our review that several studies and reviews provide evidence that mask-wearing does reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. In light of what we know now, persisting in claiming that masks don’t work, because of statements made before the evidence was available, is inaccurate and misleading to viewers." Science Feedback also claimed that "Hughes inaccurately characterized Fauci’s advice to his colleague." According to Science Feedback, Fauci's own words that "The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out the virus," is not related "to masks' effectiveness 'at stopping the spread of germs'." Rather, Science Feedback said masks are mainly used to keep in viruses.           

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