John Stossel
Case #

Now-independent newsmaker John Stossel, a political commentator and journalist who has previously held positions at ABC and Fox Business, had one of his Facebook videos calling California’s wildfires “government fueled” fact-checked and labeled as misleading information because it was "missing context." Facebook's fact-checker, Climate Feedback, contested the claim “Forest fires are caused by poor management. Not by climate change,” arguing it was misleading. Stossel concurred, but argued he never said that in his video. Rather, Stossel said he acknowledged climate change as a factor. "Climate change has made things worse. California has warmed 3 degrees over 50 years," he said his video stated. "I don’t know where Climate Feedback got their quote. Made it up? Quoted someone else?" Facebook told Stossel he could appeal the label on his video to Climate Feedback, which he did. Two of the three scientists listed as reviewers by Climate Feedback initially claimed they hadn't reviewed the video, and one even said he didn't think the label was fair. “While there are plenty of debates around how much to emphasize fire management vs. climate change, your piece clearly discussed that both were at fault,” the reviewer said. However, the appeal was ultimately denied. Climate Feedback told Stossel that the “video misleads viewers by oversimplifying the drivers of wildfires,” and the two reviewers Stossel had previously spoken with added that they agreed the video downplayed the role of climate change.   

Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check
Fact Check