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Over 40 conservative leaders have signed on to an open letter led by Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell in calling on the federal government to cease its collusion with Big Tech. 

The open letter was first published as a Fox News exclusive by Fox News Media Reporter Brian Flood:

“The Biden administration is ripping the U.S. Constitution to shreds. Its assault on America’s freedom of speech is terrifying. It is the hallmark of dictatorships. 

“As a result of the incendiary and dangerous announcements made by the Biden White House last week to censor free speech with the cooperation of social media, we, the undersigned, demand  Big Tech firms immediately and publicly announce that they will not comply with calls from the federal government to censor dissenting viewpoints. Not on COVID-19 and not on any other topic. Furthermore we call on those companies to resist further demands for such outrageous censorship of dissenting voices. 

“The Biden administration is guilty of violating the most basic fundamental principles of a free and open society. President Joe Biden shockingly claimed Facebook is ‘killing people’ because it doesn’t completely censor its site in ways the administration approves. Though he later backed off this claim a bit, multiple members of the administration are moving to quash free speech on social media following that autocratic rationale. 

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced that the administration is ‘flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.’ And on Thursday, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared that ‘health misinformation is a serious threat to public health.’ Psaki added to that with the fact that the Surgeon General’s Office is ‘flagging posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.’ 

“Those who comply and do not speak out are guilty of being complicit in a creepy and repugnant form of Orwellian “thoughtcrime.” We are fast approaching the nightmarish reality of 1984 or worse. 

“Therefore, we further demand the White House, the federal government and private entities be fully transparent about all government actions to restrict speech. 

“It is also the responsibility of Congress to limit the federal government’s attempt to work with, bully or intimidate private entities to control free speech the state deems dangerous. Indeed, our First Amendment was written to protect all speech, not just what the Biden administration deems safe and socially acceptable.   

“If the federal government does not immediately cease and desist from its actions to coerce private companies to quash free speech in the United States, no other conclusion can be drawn, except that the federal government is openly opposed to citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. We will do everything legally in our power to resist that egregious overreach.” 


L. Brent Bozell

Founder and President

Media Research Center


Gov. Scott Walker


Young America's Foundation


Morton Blackwell


Leadership Institute


David N. Bossie


Citizens United


Sandy Rios

Director of Governmental Affairs



Kelly Shackelford, Esq.

President, CEO & Chief Counsel

First Liberty Institute


C. Preston Noell III


Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.


Joseph Chalfant


Lone Conservative


Terry Schilling


American Principles Project  


Craig Shirley

Reagan Biographer and Presidential Historian


Kevin D. Freeman


NSIC Institute


Mark Fitzgibbons

President of Corporate Affairs

American Target Advertising


The Hon. J. Kenneth Blackwell


Constitutional Congress, Inc.


Eunie Smith

President Emeritus

Eagle Forum


Rod D. Martin

Founder & CEO

The Martin Organization, Inc.


Christina Murphy Lusk


The Martin Foundation


Ted Baehr, Th.D., HHD, J.D.


Producer’s Guild of America (PGA) Member


Jim Lakely

Vice President & Director of Communications

The Heartland Institute


Steven Ertelt, Editor


Floyd Brown


Western Journal


John Hinderaker


American Experiment


Christie-Lee McNally


Raven Strategies


Anne Schlafly Cori


Eagle Forum


Jon Schweppe

Director of Policy and Government Affairs

American Principles Project


George K Rasley Jr.

Managing Editor


David Kupelian

Vice President and Managing Editor



Paul J. Gessing


Rio Grande Foundation


Tony Perkins


Family Research Council


Brian S. Brown


International Organization for the Family


Lori Roman


American Constitutional Rights Union


Lady Brigitte Gabriel

Founder & Chairman

ACT For America


Becky Gerritson

Executive Director

Eagle Forum of Alabama


Hon. Kenneth ""Ken"" Cuccinelli, II

Former Attorney General of Virginia

Former Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Homeland Security


Gary Bauer


American Values


Saulius “Saul” Anuzis


60 Plus Association


Will Chamberlain


Human Events


Randy M. Long


Long Business Advisors, LLC

James L. Martin


60 Plus Association


Ryan Bomberger

Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer

The Radiance Foundation


Elaine Donnelly

Founder and President

Center for Military Readiness


James Allen



Joseph Farah

Editor in Chief



Jenny Beth Martin

Honorary Chairman

Tea Party Patriots Action


Gene Mills


Louisiana Family Forum Office