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The far left has really laid bare some of its most bigoted and contradictory ideas about Israel Big Tech is letting them. 

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider interviewed comedian and musician Ami Kozak on his show MRC Uncensored and the pair discussed the narratives and blatantly inaccurate information they are seeing online related to the Israel-Hamas war. Kozak, who normally posts funny impression videos, has begun using his platform to speak in support of Israel and help explain the complexities of what is going on. During the interview, Kozak highlighted the hypocrisy he has seen all over the internet and even among those in the halls of Congress. He called the unwavering leftist support for Hamas a kind of “tribal blind allegiance” which he condemned saying: “This is not progressive; this is not liberal; this is not tolerant. This is apologists for atrocity and barbarism.” 

In the interview, Schneider referred to the shift in the type of content Kozak has been creating and asked about the responses he received from “the crowd that sort of blindly follows the Hamas teachings, who blindly follows the propaganda against Israel.” Kozak noted that the recent attacks on Israel have “illuminated a lot of the moral bankruptcy, perversion and confusion out there.” 

Kozak pointed to the harrowing effects of cultural Marxism, which pegs certain groups as the oppressed or the oppressor regardless of the reality of the situation. “[A]ny time a group falls into the group that is prosperous or has things, they are necessarily the villain. And any group that falls under the perceived underdog are necessarily the hero and you don’t base your morality on individual rights., You are able to justify atrocity because you dehumanize everybody.”

The comedian gave the example of anti-Israel rhetoric coming from artists, journalists and LGBTQ advocacy groups mindlessly supporting Hamas. “My fundamental question to them first of all is–let’s say I grant them all of their arguments–what exactly are they fighting for when they tweet ‘#FreePalestine’? What kind of world are they fighting for,” he asked.   

“All the rights and values they claim to fight for — free speech, freedom of the press, artistic expression, the freedom to love who you want to love regardless of sexual orientation, just the freedom to be — do they think that would exist in Gaza or the West Bank? Do those values — are they preserved in those places?” He added: “That is just a glaring glitch contradiction that I cannot understand and that is a genuine question to them.” 

Schneider asked about the deafening silence on the issue coming from radical anti-Israel lawmakers like Reps. Alexandria Occsio Cortez, Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, often referred to as the “The Squad.” “They can’t seem to see reality. They can’t seem to see the horrors that have been committed by Hamas and easily judge evil from good,” said Schneider. 

Kozak agreed and called attention to The Squad’s apparent double standard. “These people in The Squad that were so quick to call out ‘me too,’ sexual harassment in the workplace, cases of rape in the United States, say nothing about mass rape of Israelis,”  he said. “[W]hen they talk about the separation of migrant children at the border from their parents, they say nothing about the kidnapping of Israeli children from their parents. It’s only Israel’s response to get them back that should be condemned.” Kozak condemned The Squad’s apparently pro-Hamas bent as“morally perverse, backward and [...] unforgivable.” 

Kozak noted however that although anti-Israel rhetoric may be jarring and offensive, free speech is the solution. "I generally take the approach that the solution to bad speech is more speech," he said. Kozak added that Americans live in a "modern technological context" and that "trying to run away from it or to criticize the arena in which we are all playing is probably counterproductive." Instead, he offered, "It’s best to make better contributions to it, better contributions to the marketplace of ideas, as opposed to saying all these conversations are being watered down or prevented. Find the channels that you can and the platforms that you can to put out what you think is true as you see it adding to the discourse, adding to the dialogue."

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