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Shortly after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) brought up violent Facebook threats against Republicans during a congressional hearing, the page vanished from Facebook. Facebook, however, says it is not responsible.

On Tuesday, during the House Judiciary Committee hearing on “Examining the Content FIltering Practices of Social Media Giants,” Gaetz cited reported threats of assassination on a Facebook page called “Milkshakes Against the Republican Party.”

Some of the offending posts on the page allegedly included “Dear crazed shooters, the GOP has frequent baseball practice. You really want to be remembered, that’s how you do it, signed Americans Tired of Our Politicians Bathing in the Blood of the Innocent for a Few Million Dollars from the Terrorist Organization NRA.” Another post allegedly said, “You remember the shooting at the Republican baseball game? One of those should happen every week until those NRA-funded sons of bitches do something about this.”

According to Gaetz, a member of his staff reported the page, but Facebook responded by saying the page did not violate Facebook’s Community Standards.

After the questioning, the page suddenly disappeared off Facebook as of Wednesday.

Facebook spokesperson Ruchika Budhraja told The Hill that the social media firm was not responsible for the page’s removal.

AdAge claimed that the page’s “anonymous backer or backers” may have deleted the page.
