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When Soros prosecutors are sworn-in to office, their radical priorities run contrary to protecting the public from crime.

The Media Research Center (MRC) has identified how the Soros machine directs and controls prosecutors across America to implement his leftist agenda. In total, the MRC Special Report revealed 126 prosecutors across the nation who serve at the behest of leftist billionaires George and Alex Soros. This analysis was based on a review of almost 8,000 pages of internal communications the MRC acquired through numerous FOIA and open records requests. 

These prosecutors, elected and/or appointed to protect American citizens from crime, have an agenda that should alarm the nation. Their actions include pushing for censorship, allowing Soros-funded groups to make staffing decisions for them and paying for expensive trips, colluding with legacy media, targeting their political and ideological opponents, and signing lawless and radical pledges. 

1. Soros Prosecutors Sign Pledges and Statements Vowing to Undermine the Rule of Law

Soros-funded groups have prepared 33 pledges for these prosecutors to sign. Many of these pledges specifically promise not to enforce state law. Sixty-three Soros prosecutors signed a pledge by Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP), a Soros-funded activist group, promising not to enforce laws protecting children from chemical castration and genital mutilation, while 65 Soros prosecutors promised not to enforce laws protecting unborn babies from abortion. One hundred twenty-three out of the 126 Soros prosecutors signed at least one pledge from a Soros-funded group. 

One Soros prosecutor, former Harris County District Attorney Kimberly Ogg, stopped signing pledges from Soros-funded groups. As a consequence, the Soros machine targeted her, causing her to lose her primary to a more radical, and loyal, Soros-backed candidate. 

 2. Soros Prosecutors Target Their Political Opponents

Groups such as FJP relentlessly push these prosecutors towards radicalism. Soros’s FJP had such animosity for former President Donald Trump and supporters of his MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement that it crossed a serious ethical boundary in Trump’s New York criminal case.

In a formal 2021 statement, FJP declared “President Trump and his supporters have repeatedly incited violence and perpetuated conspiracy theories with devastating consequences” [emphasis added]. FJP recruited Soros prosecutor and then-New York County DA Cyrus Vance Jr. to sign the pledge. 

At that time, Vance was investigating Trump, and his research formed the backbone for the 2023 indictment of the former president brought by Vance’s successor and fellow Soros DA Alvin Bragg. 

Vance’s signing of this pledge and FJP’s solicitation for it appear to have run afoul of professional ethics, as it meant that a prosecutor (Vance) was publicly incriminating a man (Trump) his office was actively investigating.

Unfortunately, the Vance-Bragg persecution of Trump is only one example of Soros prosecutors using their offices to target political opponents while allowing real crime to go unpunished.

When Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins was appointed U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, she reportedly intervened in the election of her successor. Rollins allegedly leaked “non-public, sensitive DOJ information” about a candidate in that race, creating the false impression he was going to be federally indicted. Rollins resigned from her position before being disbarred. A May 2023 Inspector General Report found that she “[V]iolated federal regulations, numerous DOJ policies, her Ethics Agreement, and applicable law.”

3. Soros Prosecutors Target Ideological Opponents Instead of Pursuing Real Crime

These prosecutors don’t just target politicians but make it a priority to target ordinary Americans instead of pursuing real crime. Their ideological opponents are Americans who defend themselves and others from crime.

In his “‘Day One’ memo to staff,” Bragg instructed his prosecutors to “no longer seek jail time for many serious offenses,” and to refuse to pursue felony convictions for violent crimes like “armed robberies of commercial businesses,” Fox News reported. In his first year in office, Bragg downgraded 52 percent of all Manhattan felony cases to misdemeanors — even as crime spiked more than 25 percent in that same time period, according to Fox News. 

While Bragg is soft on crime, he is ruthless in his prosecution of everyday Americans. A judge had to lecture Bragg for trying to convict two New Yorkers of felonies for using fake vaccine cards while “routinely — nearly daily — move[ing] to dismiss significantly more serious counts or entire indictments.” 

Bragg also brought homicide charges against decorated Marine veteran Daniel Penny, who had put a belligerent Jordan Neely in a headlock after Neely began throwing objects at train passengers while screaming incoherently. 

According to eyewitnesses, Neely made a number of angry statements such as, “I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I’m ready to die.” Police had refused to arrest the twenty-four-year-old veteran who risked his life to subdue the raving subway passenger; one of the other train passengers (whom Neely had also attacked) referred to Penny as a “hero.” At the time of his death, Neely had been arrested 42 times, including for allegedly assaulting a 67-year-old woman, and an arrest warrant had been issued for Neely on Feb. 23, according to the New York Post.

Unfortunately, Bragg is just one of 126 lawless Soros prosecutors. Take, for example, Kim Gardner, the soft-on-real-crime circuit attorney for St. Louis who was fined and reprimanded for her conduct during the politicized (and ultimately unsuccessful) prosecution of the state’s former Right-to-Work-supporting Gov. Eric Greitens (R-MO). 

Consider Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, the Arlington County Commonwealth’s Attorney (CA) who arranged a cushy plea deal for a man who tortured his roommate’s dogs. Under this agreement, the dog torturer’s record would be completely expunged so long as he paid a small fine and took counseling. 

Consider Larry Krasner, the district attorney who attempted to open a fentanyl-injection site in Philadelphia despite such operations being banned by federal law.  

There is also Kim Foxx, who used her position as Cook County State’s Attorney to pressure Illinois legislators into eliminating cash bail and repeatedly attempted to erase the charges against infamous hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett. 

In addition, there is Fairfax County CA Steve Descano, who also eliminated cash bail and refused to prosecute a man until the he committed rape and strangulation. Moreover, there is circuit attorney Beth McCann of Denver, who oversaw a horrifying rise in violent crime that even included her own husband attempting to commit arson (he only spent ten days in jail).

Few Soros prosecutors are as vicious as Buta Biberaj, the CA who — while simultaneously refusing to enforce many “nonviolent” offenses — prosecuted Loudoun County parent Scott Smith, the father of a girl at Loudon County High School. Smith was indicted and prosecuted for arguing at a school board meeting with the school administrators who covered up the rape of his daughter. The judge in the case eventually removed Biberaj writing that “the integrity of the defendant's due process rights is in jeopardy.” The shameless CA was later removed by voters when she was defeated by a Republican in deep-blue Loudoun County in Nov. 2023. 

4. Soros Prosecutors Lobby the Government to Impose More Censorship

While these prosecutors are coddling the guilty and persecuting ordinary Americans, they are also lobbying against First Amendment rights. The Prosecutors Alliance of California, a group of Golden State Soros prosecutors (including Los Angeles District Attorney (DA) George Gascon), lobbied the California government to implement a police censorship bill.

The bill would have stripped prosecutors of their authority to prosecute police officers if they received campaign contributions from pro-law enforcement organizations, including unions.

The bill, which passed the California Senate but stalled in the Assembly, effectively sought to forbid police from using their own money for political advocacy to counter the millions in propaganda against them.

Upon the censorship bill’s failure, the Soros prosecutors pressured the state bar association to impose the speech restriction through its byzantine rules.

5. Soros Prosecutors Collude with Legacy Media

As if all this wasn’t enough, Soros groups also enable Soros prosecutors to collude directly with legacy media to whitewash their radical policies and keep Americans in the dark.

FJP and the for-profit consulting group Safer Cities work together with Soros prosecutors to secure effective op-ed placement in legacy media outlets. 

FJP went so far as to host a private event for Soros prosecutors, where reporters like The Washington Post’s Justin Jouvenal taught the prosecutors effective ways “to engage and work with journalists.” Notably, Jouvenal’s work for The Post includes coverage of Soros’s spending in competitive Virginia prosecutorial elections. 

Another flagrant example is the relationship between Travis County DA Jose Garza and the Austin American-Statesman. Garza held a notably cozy relationship with the newspaper’s reporters, who asked for his blessing on word choices and specific quotes used to describe him and his staff.

MRC also uncovered communications between Garza and the Statesman with reporter Katie Hall, who now works for legal news outlet Texas Lawyer. Hall had interviewed the family of Christopher Branham, a man who was abducted, beaten, robbed and then murdered by three men in a "mob-style" attack. Garza gave the three perpetrators cushy plea deals even though they filmed part of the attack and uploaded it to social media. 

Hall privately sent Garza a “heads up” with quotes from Branham’s family “that I could use in my article." 

 6. Soros Prosecutors Take Lavish Overseas Trips with Soros Groups

Soros prosecutors are also treated very well by groups like FJP. FJP took prosecutors abroad to indoctrinate them further, covering the costs for lavish trips so prosecutors could learn the “German Approach” to criminal justice.

FJP paid for several lavish trips for its prosecutors such as FJP-hosted meetings in Los Angeles, Seattle and New York City. Sometimes, though,  FJP financed the prosecutors’ “learning” trips to European nations it admired like Portugal and Germany. 

In their trip to Germany, a group of grinning Soros prosecutors posed for a photo outside the infamous Wannsee villa where Nazi SS officer Reinhard Heydrich first unveiled Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution” to Nazi high command. FJP then hosted Olaf Stürzebecher, a German government official and former executive at the left-wing Sodzia Foundation, to teach the prosecutors “about the German approach” to criminal justice. 

One of the prosecutors who partook in the ghoulish Wannsee villa photo was St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, who is now a Democrat nominee for U.S. Congress. Other prosecutors include Durham County DA Satana DeBerry, then-Loudoun County CA Buta Biberaj and Denver County DA Beth McCann. 

Boudin and then-Florida State Attorney Andrew Warren (who presided over Tampa), reportedly chose to use taxpayer money for some of the trips instead of utilizing FJP. 

7. Soros Prosecutors Let Soros Groups Control Their Staffing

Soros groups like FJP do not just provide advice to Soros DAs and attorneys general (AGs), but they also place radical line prosecutors in these offices who appear more interested in targeting police officers than investigating criminals.

FJP controls prosecutor staffing by selecting third-year law students and offering them “a job pathway.” This pathway begins with them apprenticing in a prosecutors’ office; FJP says its “aim” is that those “who satisfactorily complete the program will be offered a full-time, entry-level position with the office after graduation.” 

Even though the apprenticeship positions are for the prosecutorial offices rather than those of FJP, it is the latter that dictates who gets the positions (the prosecutors do retain nominal veto power). Complicating things further, FJP urged their network to permit program members to spend half their fellowship helping defense attorneys instead of prosecutors. 

Soros’s FJP, not the prosecutors, calls the shots, demanding that the elected prosecutors attend a “mandatory orientation call for all participating offices” on at least two separate occasions.

In other words, supposed public servants, elected by the people, are allowing a billionaire’s policy shop to order them to attend meetings.

Furthermore, these Soros-funded groups impose other requirements on their prosecutors, treating them as employees to be dressed down and micromanaged. 

FJP insisted the prosecutors meet face-to-face with recruits (hectoring Boudin during the pandemic when he neglected to do so) and required the offices to assist the law students in “policy reform work” such as “[a]ddressing police misconduct and racial injustice.” 

Apprenticeships were not the only influence FJP had in staffing prosecutorial offices. FJP used the network to recruit job candidates for higher-status positions in various prosecutors offices, such as those of then-Contra Costa County DA Diana Becton and Fairfax County CA Steve Descano.

Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report Soros’ connections to radical district attorneys throughout the country.