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The media have embraced a dystopian vision by encouraging businesses to mandate vaccines as a prerequisite for employment. The woke company Delta Air Lines has reportedly caved to anti-freedom and un-American pressure from the left.

Business Insider reported that Delta Air Lines “will mandate COVID-19 vaccines for new hires.” In addition, “the company may stop current staff members from working on international flights if they refuse a vaccine, its CEO [Ed Bastian] said.” Bastian reportedly told CNN May 13 that “‘[a]ny person joining Delta in the future, a future employee, we're going to mandate they be vaccinated before they can sign up with the company.’" Delta’s decision followed weeks of a cacophony of media outlets propping up the idea that businesses either should or could force prospective employees to disclose their private medical histories as a condition of employment.

Liberal CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor  Andrew Ross Sorkin posted a pontificating tweet the morning of May 14, gloating about how he called for businesses to adopt dystopian medical policies since 2020:

Back in December, I started writing about the need for businesses to mandate vaccinations when they became widely available. Now they're widely available. If business is genuine about helping society, they have an opportunity to prove it right now.

Barron’s also published an absurd op-ed headlined, “Let Employers Mandate Vaccines.”

The leftist Center for American Progress (CAP) released an article on how “Employers Can Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts.” Here was one of CAP’s prescriptions: “Consider requiring vaccination if employees’ jobs involve a high degree of COVID-19 risk to themselves, consumers, or the general public.”

The Washington Post published a story May 4 snarkily headlined, “Yes, it’s legal for businesses and schools to require you to get a coronavirus vaccine.”

Business magazine Fast Company published a piece May 13 virtue-signaling to businesses: “If you want to put employees’ minds at ease, showing that you’re striving to provide a fully vaccinated workplace will go a long way—and a mandate is the surest way to accomplish that goal.”

CBS News published an April 13 story, headlined: “Can businesses require proof of vaccination? Experts say yes.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Delta Air Lines at 1 (800) 221-1212 and demand it reverse its dystopian, anti-freedom and wholly un-American decision on COVID-19 vaccine mandates.