
Joseph Vazquez | May 17, 2021

The media have embraced a dystopian vision by encouraging businesses to mandate vaccines as a prerequisite for employment. The woke company Delta Air Lines has reportedly caved to anti-freedom and un-American pressure from the left.

Joseph Vazquez | May 7, 2021

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a devastating report on job growth in April. It completely destroyed the media hype about the jobs growth under President Joe Biden. Their glowing job predictions were off by at least 734,000 jobs. Perhaps…

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2019

The strong March jobs report “should end” concerns that a recession is “lurking” as one Hill op-ed suggested March 1. The media worried and speculated over recession throughout the entire month of March.


Sarah Stites | August 6, 2015

Businessmen often get a bad rep in the news media, but that wasn’t the case in a Barron’s profile of a former CEO who now works to help former prisoners because of his Christian faith.

“Answering God’s…