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The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows were so caught up in the euphoria of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that they ignored Democrats had snuck tax hikes into the legislation.

Politico released an eye-opening story March 10 headlined, “A $60 billion surprise in the Covid relief bill: Tax hikes.” The Politico story was released the same day that Congress passed the $1.9 trillion bill before sending it to Biden’s desk. “[Democrats] tucked a trio of little-noticed tax hikes on the wealthy and big corporations into their coronavirus relief package that together are worth $60 billion,” Politico reported.

The outlet said that the development was “surprising because Democrats were widely expected to put off their tax-increase plans until later.” Politico continued: “Many lawmakers are wary of hiking them now, when the economy is still struggling with the coronavirus pandemic.” 

ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News ignored the entire story during their March 10 broadcasts while they were busy roleplaying as Biden’s stooges. ABC anchor David Muir parroted Biden’s talking point on his Keynesian nightmare: “‘Help is here.’” CBS News anchor Norah O’Donnell propagandized how analysts were haphazardly claiming Biden’s $1.9 trillion package would “dramatically cut poverty nationwide.” NBC News anchor Lester Holt emphasized Biden’s legislative victory as a “massive economic shot in the arm.” The networks didn’t cover the tax story during their March 11 and March 12 broadcasts either.

For all the bluster, there was no coverage on the existence of $60 billion worth of tax hikes silently etched into the bill. 

Politico analyzed how Democrats were able to include tax hikes without generating too much media buzz:

The tax increases Democrats picked to help keep their plan’s cost in check had the political benefit of being arcane [or understood by few]. Unlike things like raising the corporate tax rate or upping the top marginal tax rate on the rich, the ones they chose won’t produce many headlines.

Watch the propagandized segments on Biden’s stimulus bill from the Big Three below.

ABC World News Tonight (March 10 segment on Biden’s stimulus)



CBS Evening News (March 10 segment on Biden’s stimulus)



NBC Nightly News (March 10 segment on Biden’s stimulus)



Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and hold them to account for ignoring Democrats sneaking tax hikes into the economically irresponsible $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.

MRC News Analyst Nicholas Fondacaro contributed to this report.