
Joseph Vazquez | June 18, 2024

Apparently, The New York Times hasn’t come to terms with the fact that Bidenomics is anathema to Americans, because one of its editorial board members spent over a 1,000 words celebrating the so-called “intellectual force” behind all of it.…

Tom Olohan | April 17, 2024

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, aka “Mr. Wonderful” panned President Joe Biden’s new tax plan, suggesting that the president would damage the country in the same way that many Democrats have broken their states. 

O’Leary pointed out…

Tom Olohan | March 12, 2024

Fox Business host Charles Payne fired back at President Joe Biden for squandering America’s dominance on the global stage and then pontificating about his squalid economic record during the State of the Union address. 

During the…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2024

The Washington Post continues to outdo itself in generating downright idiotic takes to defend President Joe Biden’s trashy economic record, even if it means whitewashing the worsening border crisis.

“The economy is roaring.…

Joseph Vazquez | February 5, 2024

The New York Times kicked its pro-Bidenomics Pravda into overdrive as the U.S. gears up for a contentious presidential election this year.

“The Economy Looks Sunny, a Potential Gain for Biden,” read the latest headline spin from Times…

Joseph Vazquez | January 31, 2024

The Economist was either trying to have a good sense of humor or was really just dropping serious acid when it celebrated Bidenomics as basically an incomplete, pro-government stroke of genius that just needs four more years to be perfected.…

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2024

The New York Times’ bumbling economics writer Paul Krugman continues to beclown himself the more he tries to defend the Bidenomics monstrosity.

Krugman took to X (formerly Twitter) to once again downplay the inflation crisis brought on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 11, 2024

It’s unclear anymore whether New York Times propagandist-in-chief Paul Krugman actually believes the pro-Bidenomics psycho-babble he spits out or if he’s just trolling at this point.

Krugman tried bridging the gap between his illusion of…

Joseph Vazquez | December 18, 2023

A columnist for The Observer apparently didn’t sense the comedic value in telling readers with a straight face that the clownish concept of Bidenomics is somehow finally starting to work.

Columnist Will Hutton’s Dec. 17 headline was just…

Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2023

Liberal journos like Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias continue to treat struggling Americans as stupid for not giving President Joe Biden kudos on his so-called “great” economy.

Yglesias published a ludicrous Oct. 22 op-ed for Bloomberg…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2023

American voters continue to repudiate the media’s seemingly never-ending attempts to slap lipstick on the grotesque pig that is Bidenomics.

Morning Consult and Bloomberg News released their latest survey Oct. 19 of 5,023…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2023

Apparently The Washington Post’s in-house fact-butcher Glenn Kessler hasn’t learned his lesson. He regurgitated one of his already-debunked arguments spinning inflation data to protect President Joe Biden.

Kessler used the second GOP…

Joseph Vazquez | September 19, 2023

Philadelphia Inquirer national columnist Will Bunch gaslit the American public in an outrageous full-throated defense of “Bidenomics.” 

Bunch’s Sept. 14 column headline speaks for itself: “The problem with ‘Bidenomics’? It didn’t go…

Joseph Vazquez | July 6, 2023

The New York Times editorial board seems to have rediscovered basic economics: excessive federal government borrowing is “unsustainable.” Thanks, Captain Obvious! 

The Times released a July 5 editorial headlined, “America Is…

Joseph Vazquez | May 9, 2023

Harvard Law School’s bonafide leftist Laurence Tribe didn’t see the ethics issue in advising President Joe Biden to ignore standing law on the debt ceiling in order to … uphold the law.

Tribe penned an idiotic May 7 New York Times …

Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2023

The New York Times tried turning the screws on Republican members of Congress who are adamant about President Joe Biden agreeing to spending cuts before the debt ceiling is raised...yet again.

Times White House correspondent Jim…

Joseph Vazquez | March 8, 2023

Sure, President Joe Biden unilaterally canceling student loan debt without Congressional approval is probably illegal, but whatever. At least, that’s the argument The Washington Post editors are running with.

The Post editorial…

Joseph Vazquez | March 6, 2023

Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary ripped leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her role in hamstringing the tax-obsessed state of New York from being able to effectively produce jobs.

O’Leary called leftist-run states like New…

Joseph Vazquez | February 27, 2023

MSNBC regular and blowhard Donny Deutsch insisted the Democrats’ laundry list of inflation-exacerbating spending initiatives throughout President Joe Biden’s time in office was just the epitome of competence.

Insufferable MSNBC Morning…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2023

A New York Times editorial board member actually claimed that Americans should be concerned about their taxes being too low when thinking about the $31 trillion-plus national debt crisis. Yes, you read that correctly.
