Money is the root of all evil.
That seems to be the medias Sunday school lesson to
audiences lately. First, they demonized oil companies for making too
much. Then they went after individual CEOs. Most recently, theyve
once again turned on that group that forever threatens the
well-being of America: The Rich.
Yes, according to the press, Congress has again bowed
to the wishes of The Rich. It has cut them a huge tax break while
the rest of America suffers and the national debt soars from the
cost of letting people keep more of their own money. But the
media, the Guardians of the Poor, are here to expose it all. The
multimillion-dollar anchors, like NBCs Brian Williams and
soon-to-be CBSs Katie Couric, are on the case! They are not at all
aligned with the interests of The Rich.
The tax cut clearly favors the wealthy, said ABCs
Betsy Stark. Critics (which often means journalists) call it a
gift to the wealthy, said CBSs Harry Smith. As usual, to put these
comments in perspective, its necessary to examine two bodies of
information: what the media are telling us, and what theyre not
telling us.
They are telling us the newly-passed $70 billion tax
relief bill benefits The Rich. Obviously, a tax cut benefits only
those who are paying taxes. As the Tax Foundation has pointed out,
32 percent of those who filed federal tax returns this year actually
had no tax liability. Those people arent going to benefit from most
tax cuts because thats hard to do when youre not paying taxes to
begin with.
Theyre also telling us tax cuts are bad for our debt.
CBSs Bob Schieffer said on May 10 that critics remind us that
any tax cut is just going to drive the national debt higher.
There are two problems with that reasoning. One is the
media view tax cuts as a cost to the government. This subtlely
promotes the idea that the government owns your money already, and
if they allow you to keep what youve earned, they are cutting you a
break. By keeping it, you are draining the Treasury.
The other problem with the debt argument is that
cutting taxes on capital gains and dividends increases the incentive
to invest. That leads to more investment. More investment leads to
more income. And more income means more tax payments. Funny how that
As The Wall Street Journal noted on May 14, The tax
payments of the wealthiest 3% of Americans increased at twice the
rate of the tax payments by everyone else from 2001-2004. And those
richest 3% now pay nearly as much income taxes as the other 97%
combined. If politicians didnt spend every penny that comes into
Washington, perhaps we could start paying down the debt with our
higher tax revenues.
But the media tell us the debt is the tax cuts fault.
Meanwhile, what arent they telling us?
For starters, theyre keeping mum about the ridiculous
economic growth since the tax cuts were enacted in 2003. America has
added more than 5 million jobs, and the unemployment rate has fallen
from 6.3 percent to 4.7 percent. Its as if they dont view that as
a fact, but as merely a claim on one side of a debate. NBCs Brian
Williams said on May 10, Republicans say the tax cuts are helping
the economy, but Democrats argue most of the benefits go to the
wealthiest Americans. Its difficult for viewers to get the facts
about the U.S. economy from reports like that.
Broadcasters also havent been mentioning how upset
they were over the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) just a few months
ago. A large part of the recent tax bill $31 billion out of $70
billion will go to AMT relief for 15 million middle-class
families, which has had support from both parties and the media.
Take CBSs Julie Chen for example. On the February 23
Early Show, she was gasping at the impact of the AMT on the middle
class. Oh, my goodness, Chen said, adding that it really sounds
like they need to change the tax laws. But when Congress did just
that, she said it was a Republican plan and that Democrats complain
the bill favors the rich.
The medias suspicion of The Rich is a driving force
behind much reporting. But even the Bible doesnt say money is the
root of all evil. It says the love of money. That means elevating
money above more important things. And as long as the media continue
to elevate wealth-bashing above facts, the quality of journalism
will suffer.
Amy Menefee is Deputy Editor for the Business & Media Institute.
For Love of Money
suggested reading
Free Speech