
Christian Baldwin | May 6, 2024

New details have emerged in a congressional investigation into the Biden administration censorship enterprise that has curtailed free speech on a level unprecedented in American history.

A new House Judiciary Committee report…

Catherine Salgado | April 30, 2024

Big Tech has not only run cover for leftists but, over the years, it has censored content exposing radical Islamic extremism.

From 2018 to April 2024, individuals discussing or providing evidence on radical Islam have found themselves…

Catherine Salgado | April 10, 2024

The House Judiciary Committee is aiming to uncover potentially more dystopian free speech violations from two major government agencies in coordination with five Big Tech companies.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent…

Catherine Salgado | April 5, 2024

A fact-checking network funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is trying to shift emphasis from free speech to pre-approved “facts.”

Leftist Poynter Institute and its International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) only mentioned free…

Catherine Salgado | April 5, 2024

March closed with Resurrection Day (Easter or Pascha), the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead and renewal. Yet the most obvious thing Big Tech companies have renewed this past month are their censorship-heavy ways…

Catherine Salgado | April 4, 2024

A new installment of the Twitter Files has revealed a government campaign in Brazil to coordinate political censorship with Big Tech.

Journalist Michael Shellenberger deplored the “sweeping crackdown on free speech” occurring in Brazil,…

Christian Baldwin | March 29, 2024

YouTube has disclosed the company’s four new focus areas ahead of the 2024 presidential election. To many, these guidelines look like a policy of further censorship on the video-sharing platform. 

As reported by Reclaim The…

Catherine Salgado | March 28, 2024

It’s not just censorship. The federal government reportedly ordered Google to reveal which users were watching certain videos on its YouTube platform.

The feds face a U.S. Supreme Court case for coordinating with Big Tech to violate…

Joseph Vazquez | March 28, 2024

The Washington Post Editorial Board went to bat for the federal government colluding with Big Tech to police so-called disinformation online. Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow Gordon Chang was having none of it.

“Don’t defund the fight…

Catherine Salgado | March 6, 2024

Google-owned YouTube has admitted a mistake in censoring a pro-life video but refuses to revoke its fact-checking censorship.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) shared a video on its YouTube channel on Feb. 5 highlighting the dangers of…

Catherine Salgado | March 6, 2024

Spring is here, but for Big Tech, spring cleaning just means more censorship — even if it’s more subtle and sneakier than before.

Multiple social media and tech platforms were busily engaged in crushing free speech in February. While X’s…

Luis Cornelio | March 5, 2024

YouTube has been put on notice after placing labels on videos against abortion and downplaying the dangers of such medical procedures ahead of a Supreme Court case on abortion pills.

On Monday, 16 state attorneys general demanded that…

Tom Olohan | February 26, 2024

NetChoice Attorney Paul Clement and U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar both made stunning admissions during oral arguments for landmark free speech cases. 

On Feb. 26, the U.S. Supreme Court heard two landmark cases — Moody v…

Tom Olohan | February 26, 2024

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider laid bare the hypocrisy of Big Tech companies censoring conservatives while relying on expansive liability protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. 

Nicholas Schau | February 23, 2024

Big Tech is using AI and media ratings firms as new ways to censor conservative voices, but the fight to expose the bias and censorship is underway.

On the Feb. 20 edition of The Wayne DuPree Show, MRC Free Speech America Vice President…

Christian Baldwin | February 19, 2024

Blaze Media podcast host Glenn Beck is sounding the alarm about Big Tech’s latest efforts to stifle free speech just in time for the 2024 election.

Beck addressed the growing concerns during an episode of The Glenn Beck Show on…

Tom Olohan | February 16, 2024

The Verdict with Ted Cruz co-host Ben Ferguson exposed Big Tech’s plans for those who run afoul of the left’s narrative. And it goes beyond mere censorship.

Ferguson went on MRC’s UnCensored with MRC Free Speech America Vice President…

In a move that impacts European Union Parliamentary elections and provides an ominous warning for U.S. elections, Google — which also owns YouTube — is determined to make its mark on the election process.

In a Feb. 9 blog post, Google…

Catherine Salgado | February 8, 2024

YouTube CEO Neal Mohan is being openly brazen about his platform’s intentions to interfere in the 2024 presidential election. 

In a letter published Feb. 6, titled “4 Big bets for 2024,” Mohan assured the world that Google-owned…

Catherine Salgado | February 2, 2024

As winter goes on, Big Tech continues to freeze free speech. 

Big Tech continued its biased censorship in January, with YouTube and Meta-owned Instagram providing particularly striking instances of anti-free speech insanity. YouTube’…