
Joseph Vazquez | January 12, 2023

CNN Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans had a hissy fit on Thursday's CNN This Morning over House Republicans voting to gut the $80 billion IRS funding following their pledge to nix plans to hire 87,000 new employees over the next ten…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2022

The past year has been a rough one for the wild hot takes of The New York Times’s phony economics savant Paul Krugman. His ridiculous record on the state of the economy under President Joe Biden makes it hard to see how he still takes himself…

Jeffrey Clark | October 13, 2022

When it’s time to report on inflation, it’s almost like President Joe Biden becomes the new “He Who Must Not Be Named” in liberal media circles. Taxpayer-funded PBS failed to mention him or the Democrats even once during an over 7-minute special…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2022

Politico appears to believe that the mountains of cash that taxpayers dish out to the federal government belong to President Joe Biden’s own “wallet.”

The liberal outlet tried to go after Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for being a…

Joseph Vazquez | August 24, 2022

Leave it to the clowns at The Washington Post, Politico and The New York Times to make the tyrannical Internal Revenue Service seem like a victim of those darn congressional Republicans.

The Times decried the GOP for allegedly embracing “…

Jeffrey Clark | August 22, 2022

Bloomberg News blamed Republicans on Monday for not giving the IRS enough money or support just days after the Democrat-run Congress passed horrendous legislation that will give the agency 87,000 additional agents and an $80 billion bankroll to…

Joseph Vazquez | April 21, 2022

The newspaper owned by the second richest man in the world actually claimed that the Internal Revenue Service needs— wait for it — more money.

The Washington Post Editorial Board published an extraordinarily tone-deaf piece the day before…

Joseph Vazquez | March 29, 2022

New York Times economist Paul Krugman seems to be a glutton for punishment to his already pathetic track record of atrocious economic predictions.

Krugman is back trying to gaslight Americans over the 40-year high inflation crisis — again…

Joseph Vazquez | February 9, 2022

A new Gallup poll shows the cratering view the American people have taken of the U.S. economy under President Joe Biden. The Big Three evening news networks buried it for nearly a week.

The results of the Gallup survey — released Feb. 2…

Joseph Vazquez | February 2, 2022

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks committed one of the most egregious acts of news censorship by ignoring the U.S. debt topping $30 trillion for the first time ever.

The U.S. Treasury Department released data on Tuesday showing that…

Joseph Vazquez | December 17, 2021

Billionaire Elon Musk has made a name for himself recently by mocking the left’s nonsensical multitrillion-dollar economic agenda. Two major media personalities have said he’s a good fit to replace Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

Joseph Vazquez | December 15, 2021

Elon Musk used his Twitter account like a battering ram to troll the left for their hypocritical pontificating about class warfare.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) took to Twitter Dec. 13 to express disgust at the world’s richest man being…

Joseph Vazquez | November 12, 2021

The inflation crisis has gotten so bad that multiple liberal outlets are now admitting that it spells disaster for President Joe Biden’s economic agenda. 

CNBC published an eye-opening piece headlined, “Inflation has taken away all…

Joseph Vazquez | November 8, 2021

New York Times senior economics correspondent Neil Irwin twisted himself into a pretzel to protect the failing Biden administration's economic agenda again — this time suggesting American furor over the poor state of the economy is more about…

Joseph Vazquez | October 28, 2021

“Spending is the real problem,” said the world’s richest man when he dismantled the logic behind the Democratic Party’s latest class warfare tax-the-rich scheme.

Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter in response to a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 23, 2021

Liberal Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey shocked the Twitterverse with a warning about impending hyperinflation in the world, and predicted it would soon hit the United States.

Dorsey, who oversees one of the largest offenders of Big Tech…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2021

CNBC released a damning economic survey showing the majority of Americans disapproving of President Joe Biden’s economic performance, and its sister network chose not to cover it.

CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey of 800 Americans showed…

Joseph Vazquez | October 21, 2021

Legacy outlets are making fools of themselves by spinning the news that President Joe Biden’s Internal Revenue Service is targeting Americans and their bank accounts.

The National Review editorial board reported Oct. 15 that a “provision…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2021

Things just keep getting worse for the liberal media in their efforts to insulate President Joe Biden and his party’s onerous $3.5 trillion budget bill from criticism. Americans are seeing right through the propaganda.

A new poll of 1,076…

Joseph Vazquez | August 19, 2021

It is peak irony when New York Times economist Paul Krugman accuses fossil fuel defenders of “bad economics.”

The same Krugman who wrongly claimed in 2016 that former President Donald Trump’s election would lead to “'a global…