
Joseph Vazquez | March 11, 2021

An economist ripped the media for pushing the false idea that Democratic administrations are better for the U.S. economy than GOP administrations.

New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt had written that Democratic administrations…

Joseph Vazquez | March 10, 2021

Bloomberg Businessweek’s latest “equality issue” has questioned whether the thousands of pages of U.S. tax code are — wait for it — “racist.” It’s as if the left isn’t even trying to make sense anymore.

The cover of the new issue led…

Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2021

Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro reminded MSNBC Morning Joe’s economic analyst Steve Rattner how the American tax system works, and it was glorious. 

Rattner took to Twitter to prop up President Joe Biden’s $1.9…

Joseph Vazquez | March 9, 2021

Outgoing Washington Post economic columnist Steven Pearlstein spent his last column ripping apart the utopian borrow and spend fantasies of Democrats and the liberal media.

Pearlstein’s column, headlined “In Democrats’…

Joseph Vazquez | March 4, 2021

CNBC has been holding the feet of Democratic members of Congress to the fire over the disastrous implications of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) insidious wealth tax.

CNBC co-anchor Andrew Ross Sorkin pressed “Ultra-Millionaire…

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2021

Leftist Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) avoided answering tough questions from CNBC that underscored the nonsense behind her wealth tax proposal.

CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen played devil’s advocate in an attempt to expose the lack…

Joseph Vazquez | February 19, 2021

Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed a CNBC economic survey arguing that President Joe Biden won an initial approval rating that topped the first ratings of the last four presidents.

CNBC’s recent All-America Economic…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2021

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have now ignored news that makes former President Donald Trump’s economic policies look good even after he’s out of office. 

Fox Business reported that “The US economy will bounce back to its…

Joseph Vazquez | February 4, 2021

Three economists lambasted a New York Times op-ed claiming that the Democratic Party is better for the economy than the GOP. 

Times senior writer David Leonhardt’s main argument was that “The American economy has performed…

Joseph Vazquez | December 1, 2020

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows are trying to insulate former Vice President Joe Biden from bad news that could undermine confidence in his leftist economic agenda.

Small business confidence fell to an “all-time low” after…

Joseph Vazquez | November 24, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman has a particular skill in completely contradicting himself when it comes to making economic forecasts.

In Krugman’s November 19 op-ed, headlined “Making the Most of the Coming Biden…

Joseph Vazquez | November 19, 2020

The Hill opinion columnist Joe Concha nuked the “marshmallow media” for consistently lobbing “T-ball” questions at former Vice President Joe Biden in the relatively few press conferences he’s held since clinching the Democratic nomination.…

Joseph Vazquez | November 19, 2020

New York Times blowhard economist Paul Krugman is trying to cope with not getting the “blue wave” referendum on Trumpism he wanted out of the 2020 election. 

Now, Krugman has said that a potential GOP senate majority will be —…

Joseph Vazquez | November 13, 2020

The liberal media and their leftist cohorts do seem to like locking down the economy, despite the catastrophic damage these measures have already inflicted upon Americans.

Liberal outlets pushed an insane proposal by one of…

Joseph Vazquez | November 12, 2020

CNN is trying to hoodwink Americans into believing that their taxes won’t increase under a Biden administration.

The network’s latest article read like a press release by former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign staff: “The vast…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2020

Fox Business host Charles Payne expressed major concerns over the disastrous consequences Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s leftist tax plan would inflict on Americans if it were ever implemented.

During Tuesday’s Fox…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2020

Billionaire Home Depot co-founder and Republican donor Ken Langone went on Fox Business to shred the false leftist logic behind Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax plans.

During the October 21 edition of Mornings with…

Joseph Vazquez | October 19, 2020

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board just ripped apart the absurdity of “Bidenomics.” 

Hint: it most definitely is not “well grounded in mainstream economics” as New York Times economist Paul Krugman would have people…

Joseph Vazquez | October 15, 2020

It’s not everyday The New York Times undercuts its own Trump-Russia saga by admitting that there’s no evidence President Donald Trump owes money to Russia.

In a shocking story headlined “No, There Isn’t Evidence That Trump Owes…

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2020

Insufferable ABC News chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl actually took the time to fact-check a claim by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden that “[n]obody making under $400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised” under his…