Huffington Post

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2016

One liberal academic argued for censorship of politicians who dissent from liberal orthodoxy on climate change.

History professor at California State University, Sacramento Joseph A. Palermo argued President-Elect Donald Trump should not…

Sam Dorman | November 9, 2016

Squawk Box host Joe Kernen blasted the “mainstream media” as the election loser saying certain outlets should accept humiliation.

“The mainstream media is a loser in this and not just in trying to analyze what was…

Callista Ring | October 11, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Campaign threw an off the record party and only liberal media were invited, recently leaked emails revealed.

A source identifying himself as Guccifer 2.0 provided The Intercept with emails…

Mira Ebersole | August 18, 2016

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump bought an earring cuff from NYC-based jewelry company Lady Grey. When that company chose to insult her because of her father and brag about it, The Huffington Post applauded.…

Sam Dorman | August 17, 2016

After the Rio Olympics’ opening ceremony inundated viewers with climate propaganda, liberal media outlets did more than cover the climate agenda. They carried the torch for it.

As if liberal propaganda weren’t seeping into…

Sam Dorman | August 11, 2016

Arianna Huffington, who in 2010 said Americans were voting republican with their “lizard brains,” announced on Aug 11 that she would step down as Editor-in-Chief at her left-wing website.

Huffington Post started in 2005, and…

Sam Dorman | July 25, 2016

One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.


Sam Dorman | June 20, 2016

According to Huffington Post, the Grand Old Party will become the Dead Old Party at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland. Cause of death? Support for presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Taking plenty of shots at the GOP, historian…

Mira Ebersole | May 26, 2016

Huffington Post Business seized the opportunity to bash companies in an article about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and diversity.

Huffington Post Executive Editor for Business and Technology Emily Peck’s May 24…

Sam Dorman | May 26, 2016

The CEO of Unilever claims it is “absolutely crucial” to meet temperature targets set by the UN in Paris.

Paul Polman sounded the alarm in a recent interview with the liberal Huffington Post on May 23. He oversees…

Sam Dorman | May 16, 2016

The Huffington Post is freaking out over climate change, and wants to figure out why most people aren’t.

“CLIMATE IN CRISIS,” HuffPo blared the headline on May 16. In addition to that all caps header, the homepage…

Sam Dorman | April 28, 2016

The co-founder of one of America’s most liberal news sites just took a position on Uber’s board of directors.

In an April 27, 2016, article, co-founder of the Huffington Post Arianna Huffington explained her decision to join…

Sam Dorman | April 27, 2016

Progressives kowtowed to the Pope after he commented on climate change and homosexuality. But one liberal activist in the entertainment industry thought he left an important cause unplowed: cow poop.

Russell Simmons, the so-called “…

Aly Nielsen | March 10, 2016

If The Huffington Post had written the Declaration of Independence, all people would have the right to life, liberty, and a free supply of tampons.

“Free Tampons should be a human right,” according to Emily Peck, the executive…

Aly Nielsen | November 25, 2015

The Grinch stole Christmas, and now the Huffington Post wants to take away Christmas Dinner.

On Nov. 24, HuffPost praised a new report from London-based Chatham House think tank that encourages governments to create “financial…

Julia A. Seymour | October 21, 2015

Mandates are a predictable liberal solution for problems both real and percieved. The Huffington Post proved it again when it argued for a federal mandate for paid sick leave…

Michael Greibrok | October 6, 2015

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen lit into writers at The Huffington Post Tuesday morning for their poor understanding of basic economics..

While The Huffington…

Michael Greibrok | September 25, 2015

Associated Press (AP), the arbiters of style for journalism, issued new rules related to global warming and climate change coverage, infuriating liberal environmentalists.…

Michael Greibrok | September 23, 2015

Paul Krugman’s anti-austerity, pro-Keynesian views sounds like a broken record, even to the left-wing publications that agree with him.

Mike Pesca, who has a daily podcast for Salon called “The Gist,” said that the Nobel…

Julia A. Seymour | September 18, 2015

The healthy living editor for The Huffington Post reacted to the CNN GOP debate by criticizing Donald Trump and others for “peddling dangerous and bad ideas about health…